=Chapter 18= {END}

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~Wedding Day~

It's your wedding day and your 9 months pregnant, you only have 7 days until you give birth. You and Namjoon decided to get married before your child is born.

When the exchange of rings came, Namjoon was so nervous that he drops the ring on the ground and luckily a kid catch it before it gets lost. You laugh at his clumsiness, remembering your high school years with him, he never changed at all since then. 

"Now, you may kiss the bride" Namjoon snake his hands around your waist and pulls you closer to him and swings you to the other side then kiss you. Everyone cheered for both of you.



All of the guests arrived at the reception venue and was seated at their table. You and Namjoon came inside and sit down on the front where everyone could see you two.

As time passed by, it was time for the members to read their speech. Each member made a loving speech to their leader.

You were sitting down peacefully when you felt a little pain in your stomach, you just avoided it and thought the baby was just happy. But then, it gets worse later on. You felt a really bad pain, you touch on your stomach and then your other hand grabs Namjoon's hands. Namjoon pays attention to you and saw the pain in your face. 

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think the baby's coming," you said, trying to hold the pain. Namjoon's eyes widen and stand up from his chair.

"Everyone, the baby's coming!" Namjoon shouted. He carries you into a bridal style and carefully walks. Some people near them helped Namjoon, Jin gets the van and Namjoon went inside with you in his arms. The members went inside the van as well.

"OH MY GOD!" you screamed in pain.

"Don't worry baby, I'm right here" Namjoon caresses your hands. Jin started to drive off but careful not to rock the van way too much.

"Argh...! Oh god, I never thought this would be painful!" you screamed again.

"Just take a deep breath," Namjoon said as he does breathing exercise, you glare at Namjoon.

"Shut up, Namjoon! Because you didn't wear protection, now I'm in pain!" you yelled. "ARGH!!!!" the van was just filled with your painful scream and no one talked. Jimin decided to calm you down and held your right hand.

"[F/n], I want you to take a deep breath" you look at him. "Inhale and exhale" you copy him.

"Okay, we're nearly there," Jin said.

"Hey, how come you listened to Jimin?" Namjoon said, feeling betrayed.

After a couple of minutes, you arrived at the emergency. Jungkook takes a wheelchair and Namjoon sits you down there. All of the members were in a panic and went to the counter. Nurses came in a hurry and transfer you to a stretcher. The members stay behind while Namjoon went with you.


"Okay, please a deep breath and push" 

"Aaaaaah!!!" you screamed while you held on one of Namjoon's hand. Namjoon, on the other hand, was also in pain. As you pushed, you grip on his hand tighter. He felt the bones in his fingers have been crashed by your strength, he never thought you have a very strong grip. "NAMJOOOOOON!" you screamed his name in anger.



"Okay, one last push" you did your last push and then the cry of the baby could be heard in the room. "Congratulations, it's a boy!" Namjoon cuts the umbilical cord and then the nurse started to clean off the blood from the baby, then wrapped it in a cloth before giving your son to you.

You and Namjoon look at your son, the two of you were in tears seeing your son. "Welcome, baby boy" Namjoon puts his index to his son's hand and he holds it. Namjoon kissed your temple. "Thank you, [F/n]. For giving me such a wonderful gift, I love you..." Namjoon whispered in your ears.

"I love you too, Namjoon" you replied. The two of you looks back at your son and his eyes suddenly open, looking at you two. Both of you greeted your son and he smiles in reply.


The nurse cleans you up and got your clothes changed. The members came into the room one by one. 

"Oh.my.god! He's wonderful!" Taehyung smiles.

"Of course, he got it from me," Namjoon said.

"Wow, look at those little hands," Yoongi said as he touched the baby's hand.

"Hello, baby Joo-Won" Jimin greeted.

"I wonder how big his appetite" Jin questioned.

"Jin-hyung, is that all you think about?" Hoseok asked.

"Can I hold him?" Jin asked.

"No, I want to hold him first" Taehyung pouts.

"Okay guys, oldest to youngest," Namjoon said. Jin started and hold the baby boy in his arms.

"Hello, Joo-Won. I'm your uncle Jin, the most handsome uncle or should I say, worldwide handsome. When you grow up, be handsome like me...or not, maybe the second handsome"

"Okay, that's enough Jin-hyung," Namjoon said, Jin then gave the baby boy to Yoongi. He just stares at the little boy. Not too long he gave the baby boy to Hoseok.

"Hello, Joo-Won. I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope" then the baby smiles. "Oh! He smiled!" then Jimin holds  Joo-Won.

"Hello, I'm uncle Jimin. We're going to play lots of games" Jimin smiles as hold one hand on the baby.

"Okay, my turn!" Jimin then gives Joo-Won to Taehyung. Taehyung can't stop smiling from ear to ear, he took out the phone and gave it to Jungkook. "Take a picture of us two" Jungkook takes a photo of Taehyung and the baby. "Hello, Joo-Won. I'm your uncle Tae. I will buy you lots of gifts" 

"Okay, Taehyung. Don't spoil my son way too much that he'll get attached to you" Namjoon warned. Then Jungkook was the last one to hold onto Joo-Won.

"He's so cute," Jungkook said. You and Namjoon looked at the members as they fawn over your child.

"I guess our son would be spoiled a lot by his uncles" you chuckle as you look at the members trying to get the baby boy's attention.

"Well, I hope they don't overdo it. I don't want my son get way too attached to them" Namjoon said.

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