Chapter four

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Authors note: all rights go to J.K Rowling I only own the story line
(Hermione's POV)
-two week later-
Me, Fred, George, Bill, Fleur, their daughter Victoria, Charlie, Percy, Mr and Mrs Weasley were all sat around the table at the burrow I was really starting to show now. We have all just been told that the ministry have put a marriage law in place. I was worried what if I get put with a ex deatheater. We were all sat there with plates of food but not wanting to touch then. After what seemed forever a owl came in the burrow with five letters tied to its foot. Mrs Weasley took the letter and gave the owl a treat. She hands them to us . We all read our letter mine said
Dear miss Hermione Granger,
As you are well aware of we have input a new law. That law is a marriage law. This law mean any witch or wizard between the ages of 18-38 will be put together and will be expected to be married in a year of the date the letter was received and to have at least one child with in two years . Fail to do this will have you put in Azkaban!
We have done so me test and we have found you the perfect match.
Hermione you have been matched with Mr Oliver Wood!
"Right we will go round the table and we will see who you have been put with. Charlie You first" Charlie  looked at his family and said "it says because I live in Romania that it doesn't affect me but when I move back here it will do" Mrs Weasley nodded "Percy you next" Percy read his letter again  and gave a smile when he read the name "it says I got put with Penelope Clearwater" Mrs Weasley smiles and nodded "Fred You next" Fred told his family "it says because I have just come out of a coma that the law doesn't affect me yet" Mrs Weasley nodded "George what about you" George cleared his throat and said "I have been put with 
angelina johnson" Mrs Weasley was pleased with that because she knew angelina was a nice girl and that's what George deserved "Hermione dear who did you get" Hermione looked at everyone then back at the paper she looked confused "I got put with Oliver Wood" Fred and George bursted out laughing "Hermione you mean Wood as in our old quidditch captain as in Oliver Wood who is obsessed with Quidditch" George said Hermione glared at them "Yes George that Oliver Wood. Now I must be excused because I need to write a letter to Oliver telling him I got the news" Mrs Weasley nodded "Okay dear" I went to my room which I used to share with Ginny. I actually was going to write a letter to Oliver but Instead I ended up crying on my bed. I was sat curled up with my face covered I didn't even know  Fred came  in the room until he came and sat next to me and hugged me "shh it's okay Hermione why are you crying" I look up to see him and he wipes my tears away "what if Oliver doesn't want to be with me because I'm carrying someone else's baby? what do if he hates me?" Fred hugged me tightly " 'mione listen Nobody could hate you your too nice and sweet and care for people to much but if it makes you feel any better me and George and go and talk with him before you do" he said with a smile I nodded and he kissed the top of my head and stayed with me until I fell asleep

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