Chapter five

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Authors note: I only own the story line everything else belong s to J.K Rowling
(Fred's POV)
-the next day-
George and I got up early because we were going to talk to Oliver about 'mione so once we were dressed we went downstairs to see mum there she was making us breakfast because we told her our plan about going to see Oliver. We ate our breakfast then we apparated over to Oliver's quidditch grounds where they practicing so we waited until the practice was over and he saw us we walked over to him "what do I owe the pleasure to see you two here" Oliver asked "Well Wood we are here to talk about Hermione Granger. Your soon you'll be Wife" I said Oliver looked confused but nodded so George carried on "I bet your wondering why we are here to talk to you about Hermione" Oliver Nodded and I  carried on " well you see Wood Hermione is going through a hard time because being the only member of the golden trio left in the country she is being left will all the hate for the country being ruined and messed up." Oliver looked confused still but nodded and George carried on "Hermione is more like a sister to us that Ginny ever was. We love Hermione and she's in a rough place at the moment Wood." Oliver finally spoke "I thought you two didn't like Hermione as she was a goody too shoes and a know it all?" George chuckled and I said "well that was before she saved my life at the battle" I smiled then George spoke "anyway Wood we are not here to tell you how Hermione saved Fred life we are here to tell you something else" Oliver looked at me then to George then back to me and he nodded so I carried on "well as you should know 'mione was seeing our idiot little brother Ronald" Oliver nodded "well before Ronald left 'mione had some news for him but she couldn't tell him as she couldn't find him it turned out that him Ginny and Harry had fled the country to get away from everything leaving mione here" he nodded again and George carried on " so we can tell your confused and that you want to know what's wrong so we will just tell you now. Hermione is pregnant with Ron's child she didn't want to tell you in case you got mad at her or in case you would hate her or leave her and go to the ministry to find a new partner so we said we would come and talk to you so she doesn't have to" Oliver spoke "why would she think I would hate her She's Hermione Granger when I found out she was my match I was over the moon because she is the nicest most caring person I have ever met" me and George both looked at him and smiled and I said " Oliver, Hermione has been through a lot she doesn't need any more drama so please dont hurt her because if you do we will be here in the space of two seconds and we will hex you tell next year" Oliver nodded "we trust it Oliver we know your a decent bloke" Oliver nodded we said good bye and then went home to see Hermione and mum in the living room so we walked in to the living room "hello mum, Hello 'mione how are you?" They looked up at us and Hermione said "we are good we're just talking about the baby. So how did things go with Oliver?" We smiled at her and went and sat next to her "well 'mione it's safe to say your in good hands" Hermione smiles "I'm going to go upstairs I'll see you all at dinner"
(Hermione's POV)
I went up stairs and sat at my desk I got a piece of parchment and I got my quill and I started writing
Dear Oliver,
I am writing just to check if the twins caused to any grief whilst they was talking to you? They can be a bit over protective since then now see me as a sister. I'm sorry I could not come and see you my self but I was worried in case you thought I was some sort of slutty girl which by the way I'm not. I would have much rather waited until marriage but Ronald pressured me into doing it just in case we would never see each other again. I'm sorry you didn't need to know that but I do understand if you want to go find your self a new partner maybe one that isn't pregnant with someone else's baby
I would love to hear from you soon
Hermione xox
I finished the letter and I put it in an envelope I gave it to my new pet owl and she told it to give her to Oliver Wood

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