Part 8

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((AN: Hey, lovelies! I just wanted to apologize that updates are so slow, work is killing me!

I'm trying though!

Anyway, enjoy!))


Jimin walked through the hallways of his school, per the norm, alone.

The snickering and the whispers filled the halls as he passed his classmates.

He continued walking though to get to his classroom to avoid any confrontations. Earbuds were placed in his ears to block out the sounds that would dig into his brain everyday.

Swinging the door open, he made his way to his seat before pulling out his phone to scroll through the messages he currently had between him, Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

After the incident at the cafe, Jungkook had introduced him to the others though they weren't too thrilled once they heard about his and Hoseok's past.

'If it weren't for you-... If you had been there for him... MAYBE HOSEOK WOULDN'T FUCKING HATE US! HE'D BE HAPPY!'

The words that Taehyung screamed at him echoed in his ears, despite the music trying to drown out his thoughts.

He knew that the boy was right though.

...He was to blame for everything...

"What do we have here," he heard a voice sing as his earbuds were yanked out of his ears, "Fucker texting his whores?"

Surrounding him were a group of boys, the same boy's he used to associate himself with.

Jimin's eyes, dark with malicious intent, stared up at Baekhyun before replacing the earbuds before readjusting his uniforms jacket to hide the bruises he received the other day from them, "What's it to you?"

"Hm..." the other boy chuckled as he dragged a chair to Jimin's desk and sat down beside him, "Little birdie told me you saw Hoseok again, am I right? Heard that he nearly choked the living shit out of you... Even he's stronger than you, hilarious!"

He laughed along with the others, drilling into Jimin's ears with such force it made him feel as if he were going crazy.

All the boy wanted to do was avoid this, but now they're bringing it into the classroom as well.

Where were the fucking teachers when you needed them?!

"He's cute though.." Baekhyun growled out as his tongue grazed his bottom lip, "I ran into him the other day..."

Jimin instantly stood up, slamming the palm of his hand on the desk, "YOU BETTER HAVE NOT LAID A FUCKING FINGER ON HIM!" He was ready to end their lives if they had.

"Relax, I didn't!" he replied with a smirk as he leaned back into his seat, "He was with another boy downtown, so I kept my distance."

The words put Jimin at ease as he realized that it was Jungkook that Hoseok was with. If anything had happened, at least the maknae could hold his own and defend the elder.

He returned back to sit down as he let in a breathe that he hadn't realized he had been hold in.

The other students in the room had begun to stare at him after his outburst, but what did it matter?

There were three types of classmates he had come to learn attended the school.

The ones who bullied him for having multiple tattoos.

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