2. alleyway

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"I don't know!"

THE INTERROGATED MAN cries out in fear and pain as Taehyung harshly traps the man's face between the thick sole of his boots and the cold concrete floor.

They were in a secluded alleyway that they have visited a couple of times before. Walls filled with years of graffiti designs with endless amount of trash lying in corners. Not to mention, the leak of sewage water slowly filling up the place. The gang was currently trying to track down a guy, also part of another gang who is believed to be called 'Linen', asked for a loan a couple of weeks back and hasn't yet returned it.

Of course, Taehyung and the gang were pissed at this fact so they decided to head to the man himself. The only problem was that the aforementioned was actually not present in that place or time. But luckily, the gang was able to spot one of the thugs that worked under Linen.

"I'll say it once more." Taehyung yells as he presses his boot further into the man's side of face. "Where is," Taehyung presses harder, "your sad excuse," Taehyung presses harder once more and even violently chafe his boot in the man's already bruised and squished cheek, "of a boss?"

"Ok, ok, let me talk please!" the man cries out in a muffled voice. Nevertheless, Taehyung loses all energy in the trapping of the man's head and lets his boot now lightly sit on it.

"Alright, now talk, you pig!"

"T-The last I h-heard was that b-boss was h-headed to the Mall that-t got a-abandoned recentl-ly," the man cowardly replies and shakes in fear.

"Why?!" Taehyung yells out to the man and exerts a hard press on the man's face. "Why is he headed there?!"

"I-i can't tell y-you," the man quietly says, still shaking in fear.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and steps off of the man and the without another moment, the man scrambles to his feet and makes a run towards the exit when another man, part of Taehyung's team, pulls out his pistol and makes a headshot. The man who was, before being interrogated and then running towards the exit door after being released, is now lying cold on the ground with blood leaking out of his head.

Everyone turned to look at where the bullet was shot from and sees that it was their own member who is recognised as Suga and instantly give him questioning looks. Suga looks back at them with narrowed eyes.

"What?" replies Suga and shrugs, placing his gun back in its place, "he was seriously annoying the crap out me," the aforementioned continues, "might as well do something about it."

Suga, actually named Yoongi, was a moody guy at times, there was definitely no doubt to anyone of the members about it. He might be quite lazy at times, always trying to slack off and such but he's still skilled at using any sort of technology. Hacking and tracking down when needed.

Another one of their members named Jin, starts walking towards the exit, "anyways, let's head to the closest Mall so we can quickly get our guy. The place ranks."

Jin has some sort of thing about him that attracts anyone and everyone, regardless of gender. He's mainly the driver of the group. When being chased or such, Jin controls any sort of vehicle like it's part of himself.

Everyone agrees with a nod and leaves the building.

They were met with a slightly cold air blowing at their faces. It was the mid of Autumn and days were getting colder. The Sun's rays weren't as harsh as it was still quite an early morning.

"Alright, let's head to this abandoned Mall, shall we?" Jin says he walks into the front of the van and takes his seat in the driver's side.

"There are many possible reasons for Linen to be headed to a mall," another of their member called as J-Hope continues with furrowed brows, "but I can't narrow it down to one."

"Well, he's probably using it as a base or a hideout," RM replies from the front, passenger seat.

J-Hope, really named Hoseok, was one of the most positive people that the members have met. Always smiling and being cheerful. He is extremely skilled at using almost any time of gun and so usually carries one with him at all times whenever they are at a mission.

RM, actual name Namjoon, was the smartest of them all. He always came up with the best of plans and such. One thing that the members find absolutely hilarious about him was the fact that he possesses some sort of power that allows him to break almost everything and anything he touches. Hence, why Namjoon is usually the one allowing them to break into buildings.

"Well whatever the reason is, we'll find out when we get there," Taehyung, mostly known as V, says.

Taehyung was the leader of the group. He was also cheerful and treats the members kindly but when needed, can break people's necks in a second. The thing about him was that he had a backstory that only the members knew about. He's, in a way, crazy, psychotic, sadistic and completely bonkers. He could be stabbing people with a smile evident on his lips. Of course, he wasn't always like this but when he does become this side of him, let's just say all hell could break lose.

"We're here, I guess," Namjoon says as Jin slowly stops the car.

"Let's finish some unfinished business, once again," Taehyung says with a slight smirk.

All the members gather their things and start heading out.

"Do we want to head in from the front side or from the back?" Jin says, picking up a gun.

"Wherever we enter from, we should probably go in quie-"

Before Jin's question could be answered or Yoongi's suggestion is heard, Taehyung is already standing in front of the crooked and rusty once-automated doors. He lifts his leg and kicks down the door.

"It's been a while old friend, let's have a quick little chat, shall we?!" Taehyung yells with a smile as he holds up his gun.

"Ok then," Namjoon says with a shrug.

And they all walk in the abandoned Mall.

GUNS & ROSES; taekook + bangtan auWhere stories live. Discover now