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Authors notes.

I fully credit one of my good friends Freya for the character named Shay that will be featured. Shay was completely created by Freya, and I ask that you do not model another character after her.

Freya also gets credit for her character Peter that will be Shay's brother later on mentioned in the book.

I do not own any rights to Freya's characters, but do have the rights to use them. You, dear readers, on the other hand do not. So please don't.

I do ask that you read this story however, as it is in a way a lesson about sacrifice.

I don't want to preach today, instead I just wanna talk to you, about a word we don't hear much anymore. Sacrifice. It's not what I would call a modern word. People hear the word sacrifice, and they become afraid that something will be taken away from them or that they will have to give up something they couldn't live without. Sacrifice, to them, means loss in a world telling us we could have it all. But .I believe true sacrifice is a victory. That's because it requires free will to give up something for someone you love, or something or someone you love more than yourself. I won't lie to you. It's a gamble. Sacrifice wont take away pain and loss, but it wins the battle against bitterness, the bitterness that dims the light on all of the true value in our lives. ~Beautiful Creatures

I have complete copyright on this story, so please do not copy it.

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