Run as Fast as You Can

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Erin thought about nothing but the feeling of the wind going through her hair. She glanced slightly over her shoulder to see her best friend along with the lights coming from flashlights -- the cops were catching up to them. "Hurry, Soph!" Erin huffed as they ran side-by-side on the dirt road.

Erin glanced at the tree line next to her, checking for any openings. There was a small dirt path that caught her eye. She slowed down, gripping at Sophia's arm. Erin tugged her into the dirt path with her. They crouched in the pushes, trying to catch their breath while waiting for the cops to pass. "That was fucking awesome!" Sophia whispered loudly; her grey eyes full of excitement. Erin covered her mouth as she heard the loud stomps of the cops passing by. They were safe.. For now.

Erin shoved her hands in her pockets, pulling out a diamond ring. "That was fucking awesome." She repeated with a smile from ear to ear. "Will you accept this token of our friendship, my lady?" Erin asked, holding the ring up to Sophia. She nodded, putting the ring on her index finger.

The two girls took a glimpse around them to see if they recognized where they were. The only thing they could see was the light black sky which peeked from the space in between the trees. "Great, we're lost." Erin sighed, sitting back on the grass.

"We'll just go back the way we cam--"

Erin smacked her hand over Sophia's mouth. "Sh, sh.." She whispered, holding up her finger. "Hear that?" Sophia nodded; Erin's hand still over her mouth. "Someone's coming."

The two rose to their feet, getting ready to take off once again. But as soon as they took a step forward, a hand grasped at both of their shoulders. "There you two are.." A husky voice spoke.

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