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Jungkook blinked heavily a few more times but it was still so hard to keep his eyes open without them burning. His hyungs were all talking around him at the table. He couldn't focus on anything they were saying as his head began to ache.

"Kook, you alright?"

Jungkook raised his head to look at his members. They were all giving him concerned looks. He perked up and sat a bit straighter in his chair.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. Just tired, I guess." Jungkook pushed his breakfast around his plate, never bringing it to his mouth.

"You know, you can go back to sleep for a while longer. Today's our off day," Namjoon suggested. The idea sounded tempting.

"If... If none of you mind." Jungkook smiled sheepishly at them. His body felt like it weighed tons.

"Of course not. Go lay down, Jungkookie." Jimin reached over to rustle the youngest's hair. He didn't bother to fix his fringe.

"Okay." Jungkook stood and nodded his head before walking out of the kitchen. He could feel the stares of his hyungs on his back as he made his way to his bedroom.

Once his head hit the pillow, he immediately sighed in relief and closed his eyes. His body ached all over and he couldn't stop shifting his legs around. No matter what position he tried to put them in, pain ebbed through them. He groaned and just tried to focus on falling back asleep.

As if on cue, his stomach cramped with pain. He wrapped his arms around himself and tried to breathe into it, but the awful feeling continued to assault him. With a whimper, Jungkook hid his face in his pillow and prayed it would stop soon.

It only got worse. He got hot and sweaty and would kick the blankets off only to get cold and shiver as he pulled the blankets around himself again. His stomach hurt so badly it made him dizzy if he moved too quickly. None of his hyungs had come to check on him, so Jungkook was alone.

He reached to the side of his bed and managed to lift his phone up by the charger. It took a few swipes to call his boyfriend. He didn't even bother putting it up to his ear.

A few moments later, Seokjin knocked on the door and peeked through. "Jungkookie?"

Jungkook opened his eyes momentarily. Seokjin walked into his room and Jungkook raised a hand towards him, whimpering in pain as he opened and closed his hand in Seokjin's direction.

"Oh, baby. What's wrong?" Seokjin made his way to the bed and took extra care to sit on the mattress without moving him.

"Hurts," the youngest whispered. He squeezed his eyes shut again.

"What hurts?" Seokjin reached over and put his hand through Jungkook's hair.

"Everything." Jungkook sniffled and wiped at his eyes. He never really cried, not even when he was little. But he was just so tired and worn down and in pain that he couldn't stop the tears.

"Oh, bunny..."

And with that, Jungkook slipped into little space so quickly his head spun. He started crying into his hands, shoulders shaking with his sobs. Seokjin pulled Jungkook into his arms and shushed him, kissing his sweaty forehead comfortingly.

"Sweetie, you feel like you're burning up. Come on, let's go check your temperature."

Jungkook let out a weak whine as he was lifted up and held on Seokjin's hip. He wound his arms around the eldest and hid his flush face against his shoulder.

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