The last breath

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She intered 8th grade and she thought things would get better.But no they where worse.She made some new friends but more people hated her.These group of guys would go around saying she is a slut and worthless.The rumors got wores and worse.She tryed to talk to people but they would just shut her out.She spent hours crying.She blamed her self for everything bad.Every one hated her and now she hates her self to.She tryed to change compleatly but nothing was working.She tryed to overdoes 5 more times after that.She tryed to tough it out.She stoped eating,stop smiling and kepped on wanting to die.She tryed to act strong.Its twords the end of the year she lost all her friends.Nobody understands why she is depressed and upset.She has a meh family but not to bad.School is ok but nobody understands what she is going through.Her head is fucked up and she is scaring her now.She tryes to cope with it but nothing is helping.She gose home crying the next day.She is done with feeling likes this.She goes to the river and jumps.But before that she sends this text to every one explaing why she did it.She sends it and jumps.She dies.

Her last breathWhere stories live. Discover now