Chapter 8: Heroes Vs. Villains

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Chapter 8: Heroes Vs. Villains

Laughter erupted. Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida was the source of it and over the past week the three of them have been getting along. Izuku personally didn't mind them, but if any of them were to compromise his mission, he wouldn't hesitate to make them disappear. Once it was class time, the students of 1A chatted among themselves while waiting for their English teacher; Present Mic. Izuku was the only one buried in his notebook, lost in his thoughts when someone gently tapped him on the back.

"You're that Midoriya boy, right?" An unusual small boy with grape-like hair asked.

"Y-yeah, and you're...?"

"Call me Mineta. I heard that spiky haired boy was bothering ya, give me a call and I'll help you." He introduced with a thumbs up. Izuku politely smiled.

Help me?

"We small people gotta stick with each other, ya know?"

Izuku felt a tinge of annoyance but before he could answer class began.

Soon it was the part of the day where they trained to be heroes. Done with their regular studies, the teenagers were headed towards a nearby training facility. Izuku bit back a smile as his classmates teased Kacchan for his behaviour, seeing his classmates reminded him of the attack that was going to happen next week. He was surprised to find himself feeling pity for them but it was soon replaced with curiosity and excitement. He wondered how they would react. Would they be brave and fight or cower and cry?

Soon they arrived at their destination. Walking out from the change room, Izuku stood beside his classmates that were dressed in their colourful hero costumes.

"Wow, Deku! I like yours." Uraraka suddenly said from his side. Izuku wore a black suit that briefly showed his muscular figure, the suit wasn't all black though, it had green lines placed on to make it look nice and bold. He had accessories like a mouth guard and a dark green belt along with a hoodie.

"O-oh! Thanks, Uraraka. I like yours too." Izuku complemented as he mimicked fluster. Soon everyone became quiet, their attention directed to a certain someone. A large, muscular figure walked in with a big righteous smile.

All Might.

Strange how Izuku felt. He wasn't fanboying, he wasn't ecstatic, and he certainly wasn't surprised. He was calm, collected, and angry. He hid his expression behind his hood and mouth guard.

"Hello everybody! It looks like you all are excited huh? Well let's get started." The number one hero began explaining what they would be doing today. The students would be split up into two teams; heroes and villains. The villains had to guard a huge bomb-like object whilst the heroes had to touch it and beat the villains. "Let's start off with the first team. Heroes: Midoriya Izuku and Ochako Uraraka! Villains: Bakugou Katsuki and Tenya Iida!"

Izuku couldn't help but glance at the team they were against with, he saw Kacchan furious and confused while Iida suddenly became determined to play the part.

"Deku! Let's do our best, okay?"


Multiple screens shone brightly at the students, they watched the two teams get ready.

"Poor Midoriya, he's gonna get burnt." Mineta commented.

"Yeah, that spiky boy is kinda frightening." An electric-quirked boy named Kamanari Denki agreed.

Back inside the building, Izuku scanned the area while an idea slowly formed in his head. "Uraraka, I have an idea. Let's go together and if we encounter Kacchan-"

"Kacchan?" Uraraka interrupted.

"Bakugou, it's a nickname he loves."

"Ooh, I see!"

"Anyway, if we encounter him you go on ahead while I fight him. If we see Iida instead we both can fight him then fight Kacchan together afterwards." Uraraka nodded with determination.

"Ready, set, go!" All Might's loud voice boomed all over the building and the two teams began to move. Looking both ways, the two heroes quietly walked in a hallway, looking for any signs of movement.

"So Deku, you have a paralyzing quirk?" Uraraka began.

"Yeah, it only lasts for 30 seconds and I can only touch certain spots."

"30 seconds? That doesn't sound really helpful."

"Oh, but it is. You could cut a certain part of their leg to paralyze them way longer than 30 seconds, but there are other options as well."

"Wow, you did your research. My quirk, whenever I touch something I can make it float! But if I do it for too long or too much I get these terrible head aches. It's the worst!" Uraraka sighed.

"Well, I think it's a pretty good quirk." Deku said with a friendly smile. "With the right training you'll definitely become powerful. There are so many things you can incorporate and do with your quirk!"

Uraraka let out a genuine smile. "Thanks Deku, yours is pretty neat too."

"Fan-fucking-tastic! I'm a villain and I'm stuck with four eyes." Kacchan grumbled.

"Be more mature about this, Bakugou! We, students of U.A are expected to be determined and well mannered about these types of test. Do your part on this assignment and we will defeat those heroes!" Iida said as he chopped the air with his hands, determination radiated from him.

"Okay, fine. I will do my part and destroy that little shit named Deku and round cheeks with all my power!" Kacchan deviously smirked, his voice raised at the end for emphasis.

"Shh! Those no-good heroes might hear you!"

"Fuck off. You guard it while I go and fight 'em." Kacchan said as he began to run out of the room, despite his poor partner's protest.

4 minutes had past leaving 11 minutes left before the test would end, the heroes were on the 5th floor before a a certain boy appeared from the corner in front of them.

"Deku!" Kacchan grinned, his body crouched in position.

"Uraraka, go the other way and get to their base." Deku immediately said, the girl obeyed and ran leaving the two behind. Memories started the play in Izuku's mind, all the pain and suffering he dealt with caused a small spark ignite within that slowly grew. His fist clenched, but he kept a trembling facade.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku squeaked.

"Stop being a pussy and fight!" Kacchan lunged forward but Izuku dodged and in a blink, grabbed his arm and with all his strength, flipped the boy over and slammed him hard on the concrete ground. The impact caused a wrenching sound from Kacchan, confusion was all that was on his face. Izuku was all that he saw, he wore a playful smile.

"I rather play instead."

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