Branches - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


Days went by, and time passed by slowly and yet still I was held captive in this place I was supposed to consider as my father’s home, my home.  The worse part of it all was the feeling of hope of ever being found slowly decreasing inside me.  Every night I would wake up with the screams from my repetitive dream of my father killing me and Marc killing my father, every night I would feel the sharp pain from where what Dr. Henry has told me was where the corner of a statue that I had fallen on when I passed out when first arriving here at my new prison and had pierced deeply into my side.  It hadn’t helped much when I tried to escape and ripped my stitches back open.  Yet, night after night I still dreamt that the piercing pain came from my father’s knife, and just like every night Johnson or another one of my father’s guards would come in to make sure I wasn’t being harmed or that I was alright.

“Duchess, you’ve been having this same dream of over a week now, yet you won’t tell me what it’s about, you won’t tell anyone.  In my experience when you keep something to yourself that long, you will keep dreaming about it.”  Lt. Johnson said kindly to me as he stood at the foot of my bed.  I bit my lip, I had started to trust him, he had been nothing but kind to me since I had arrived, however, I wasn’t about to tell him that their “fearless leader” my father was the cause of my screams.  I have seen way too many movies where victim came to trust their captors and their captors ended up making their dark thoughts into reality.

“Well if you were kidnapped by a psycho you would be having nightmares every night too.” I said bitterly as I sat up all the way now and wrapped my arms around my pulled up knees under my covers.

“Listen I know this might be hard to hear, and I’m not exactly sure I’m at liberty to express this to you, but your father, is just trying to protect you.”  He said with a sigh.

“How? How was I ever in danger?  I was completely fine with Mr. Poloski.  Nothing was going to happen.  We were suppose to leave in the next few days anyway, now what?” I said with hatred on my tongue.  I wanted to go home.  I didn’t care if my father was a superhero, I wanted my mother, I wanted to go back home.

“Listen, I can’t tell you anymore, I’ve already said too much already, but please just trust me.  You are better off right now here than at Dubrov’s Estate.” He said with a stern look as he held specific information back.

“Why am I not surprised that you all were spying on me? For how long?” I asked as I raised my voice.  I could feel my face becoming heated as my temper started to flare.

“Duchess, hush now, please. Let’s not argue.  I want you to be able to trust me.  If you can’t trust anyone here, then at least trust me.  I know this must be hard for you, and this is all I’m going to say about the matter, but I am your friend, not your enemy.” He said as he tried to comfort me.

“Friend huh? Well if you are my friend then why don’t you let me go home, help me escape or something.  Friends don’t keep friends captive.” I said as I looked away towards the window.

“How about I tell you a little bit about myself, huh? Change the subject a little.” He said with a sigh as he knew I was wide awake.  I just shrugged.  I really could care less what he had to say at this point.  Listen Lisa, you could use this against him later when you escape. I heard my brain remind me.

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