Chapter 38: Unexpected Opportunities

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FOR SOME REASON, everyone was mad at me.

Alex was all, you busted our deal, but like I pointed out, he shouldn't have been making a deal with that guy, anyway. Hello? His brother tried to kill me. That's so not cool. 

Then my brothers were all, something's wrong with you, and I was all, something's wrong with you, and it escalated into this full on smack down, until Alex was like, enough, and I went back down to the galley to assist and observe. But Frank was over me, so I went back upstairs and hung out in the galley until it was time to land.

To add insult to injury, Alex was all, I'm staying in London for a few days. I was all, but hello? I got shot at, and he was all, you'll be fine.

Whatev. So I ended up flying back with Frances and Chelsea, which wasn't as bad as it sounds. After we got back to New York, Vinnie and Paully picked me up and took me back to the townhouse. I figured that was that.

Except that it wasn't. When I showed up for class the next day, Ken was all, you're wanted upstairs. I mean, I hadn't even taken off my coat, for God's sake. Plus, the bastard didn't even bother to whisper. He was all, "Siobhan, they want you upstairs," in that sing-sing way he'd get when somebody was in trouble. Somebody sitting across the room snickered. I shot a dirty look in the general direction with my head held high.

Upstairs turned out to be a row of offices without names on them. They looked empty. I wandered around until I found a man sitting in a conference room. "Hi. I'm supposed to... "

"Miss McIver. Please, take a seat." He gestured at the chair opposite from him. "My name is Abel McAllister. I have a few questions concerning the events that occurred on your recent work trip from JFK to London."

Here I thought I did a fine job on my work trip. I sat down and stared at him. Judging by his looks, demeanor, and overall arrogance he had to be a lawyer. He looked to be older than Alex, with dark hair tastefully graying at the temple and clear blue eyes. I'd almost call him handsome if he wasn't so old. His bespoke suit, his snobbish demeanor, manicure, and his high end Mont Blanc with the calligraphy tip, screamed old school, generational, Ivy League lawyer.

So they brought in corporate counsel. Jeez. Seriously, all I did was point out that pirate boy was meeting his maker sooner than later. Where's the sin in that? I sat ramrod straight, ankles crossed, my expression pleasant and unworried. I am not the stewardess you're looking for.

McAllister glanced up, the overhead lights reflecting off his glasses and making them look opaque for a second. "Miss McIver. I know your brother."

Of course, you do. "Which one?" I asked, because I was supposed to ask.

"Aiden. We were in school together." He shuffled the papers. "I have to say, I'm a little surprised to see you here at TransGlobal. Weren't you going to Notre Dame?"

"Yes," I answered with a pleasant smile.

"What made you leave?"

"Love." I added a sigh for effect.

"Ah, yes. You're engaged. Alexander Cosetino." He leaned back in his chair, an insincere smile on his face. "Bit of an age difference, isn't there?"

"Love is love," I answered. "Age is only a number."

We smiled at each other for a moment until he cleared his throat. "So when are you getting married?"

"December." I spun my engagement ring around. It looked like it needed cleaning already. Cities are so dirty. "After training."

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