The lovers (pt.2)

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With David not knowing the full deal he turned to Jess who was giving birth to twins one came out with black hair and pale skin like David. They thought thT was it but then she felt something else coming out and it was a girl with brownish blackish hair and pale skin. Jess locked down at them both and cried in tears she always planned on jBing twins since she was little. But when she had them she was not sure. Jess had a dark secret that david dose not no about only her dad dose. She told her dad about what happened that she had twins and her dad looked at David's jar and his soul was gone he looked furious. He asked Jess in calm pitch who's the father of your twins? Jess said the one word ( David). Her dad jumped out of his chair and said he's dead. Suddenly when David was in the bathroom the floor shock and the devil appeared. David said I have a soul now. The devil laughed and said not for long. The devil grabbed a knife and sliced David's neck open. Later on that day when Jess was looking for him she found him in the closet and he feel to the floor. Jesse's mum was an angel and she had good and evil magic. She healed David and brought him back to life so he could help her raise her children................

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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