CHAPTER II: Extended Service Agreement

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The Sedgewick Hotel was one of the 'Grand Old Hotels' of New York City, the kind that had been built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As the skyscrapers started to rise around the city, these elegant edifices became icons of America's wealth in the Industrial Revolution. But like many things in New York it had its secrets as well. What had been called a 'cult,' had been discovered in the building's basement, many years ago. Ever since that day, there had been some reported hauntings at the hotel, almost always on the twelfth floor. Back in 1984, the 'disturbances' had become so serious that the hotel's manager, having seen a certain commercial on television, called New York's first and only paranormal investigation and elimination company.

For that reason, the Sedgewick held special memories for the Ghostbusters as the site of their first call. And the site of their first restraining order too. Now, seven years later, they were back. Janine had called ahead to let the manager, a new one apparently, know that they were coming. He was not at all thrilled.

The doors to the Sedgewick's lobby swung open and the Ghostbusters marched in, Venkman swaggering like he owned the place.

"We're back!" he said loudly. The guests, bellhops, concierges and staff just stared at them. Marty felt like he was being looked at like a particularly unwanted house pet.

"Is this most people's usual reaction when you guys arrive?" he asked.

"Meh, don't worry about it Marty," replied Venkman nonchalantly, "the straights always get nervous when we show up."

Out of the crowd, the manager came swooping down on them.

"That disgusting green blob is up on the 12th floor again, wreaking havoc! I demand a refund right now!"

"Sir, if you'd checked the fine print on our invoice..." began Peter, when Ray broke in, "Invoices!"

"Right, invoices, you'd see that the warranty on re-haunting expired some time ago. You should have taken the extended service agreement."

The manager scowled sourly and gestured towards the elevators and then stalked off. Marty was so busy trying to take everything in that he almost didn't notice the other Ghostbusters walk off towards the elevator. He hurried to catch up to them. Snatches of conversation floated past him as he rejoined the others.

"Isn't that the Ghostbusters?"

"Get up to the room and get all our stuff before they blow up the whole building!"

"I don't recognize that one guy, I thought the fourth one was black?"

"The hotel safe is rated against ray guns right?"

"They moved us into a corner suite on the 10th floor, I bet the twelfth is why THEY'RE here."

Egon already had his PKE out and was scanning the lobby.

"I'm picking up some very unusual reading here and not just from Slimer. I'd like a chance to look around the whole building, if you don't mind."

"No problem," replied Ray, "We'll take Marty, head on up to the twelfth and get Slimer."

Egon began to wander off, waving his PKE at various people and objects and generally acting like someone who wasn't quite right. Venkman jabbed the button on one of the elevator panels. Surprisingly there was an immediate ping and the doors to one car opened, revealing a very beautiful young woman. She was dressed in a maroon turtleneck over which she wore a white blouse and navy jacket, along with a skirt of the same color, and knee high black leather boots. She had dark brown hair pulled into a bun at the back of her head. If the intended affect was supposed to be scholarly, the result was entrancing. Combine that with lovely jade eyes and she was just about the loveliest thing Marty had ever seen... next to Jennifer of course.

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