For Love And Family

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Žemyna's sisters name, how to pronounce it and which "Great Dragon" they are/represent

Grael (pronounced grail) the Great Dragon of Earth

Sairyss (pronounced Sair-iss) the Great Dragon of Air

Fafnir (pronounced faf-near) the Great Dragon of Fire

Naelon (pronounced nail-yawn) the Great Dragon of Water

"Damn!"  Hellboy says as they enter the room that the once small now extremely large creature resides it picks up Abe and Hellboy and swings them around but remembering the feel of her burn it leaves Žemyna alone it may have started to regret picking up her friends cause once again she attacks it like she did the Sammael's burning, freezing and cutting every tentacle that swings around and it drops both Abe and Hellboy in separate areas of the room and she chases after Abe's flying and now unconscious body as he hits the far wall "damn!"  Hellboy says as he stands up off the ground where he was thrown he see the grenade and a statue holding a sword.... he pulls the sword out of the statues arms and starts to cut up ever tentacle that comes after him as he walks towards the grenade and pick it up and he once again gets picked up by the creature Žemyna was a little busy trying to keep the creature from getting to Abe who was just starting to wake up and walk over to her to help HB she places her hand on Abe's bleeding head and heals it as she fights with her free hand "don't do that to me again!"  she orders through her teeth Abe nods then does his best to help her fight "oh, this is gonna hurt"  they hear Hellboy mutter as the creature brings it towards it's mouth "hey Red.... how about a light?!"  Žemyna shouts up to him and her hand forms into a flame "are you crazy?!"  Hellboy shouts back she shrugs "maybe"  he replies under his breath "stupid question!"  she says "yeah.... it kinda was!"   Hellboy chuckles "nah.... I got this!"  he shouts back to her she nods as he pulls the C4 off the belt then gets swallowed by the creature "we're going to want to move Abraham"  Žemyna says taking his hand and going to find shelter as the creature starts to blow up from the inside then explodes completely and Hellboy flies out of it getting caught by a protective shielded net like wind that Žemyna made to catch him "gonna be sore in the morning"  Hellboy says as he stands up "that's what you got me for Red!"  Žemyna says walking up behind him and patting him on the shoulder and he was already starting to heal just by that one touch until Žemyna stumbles then falls unconscious into Abe's arms and Abe carries her out of the room and Hellboy follows....

 I got this!"  he shouts back to her she nods as he pulls the C4 off the belt then gets swallowed by the creature "we're going to want to move Abraham"  Žemyna says taking his hand and going to find shelter as the creature starts to blow up from t...

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Abe takes Žemyna home to heal for going to the B.P.R.D would have been even worse for her and would have taken her longer to do so and just like on the day they first met... on the night they first met the night he made a mistake he placed her in her own swimming pool and laid with her by his side and she slept as he would sleep and he was once again surprised that she didn't have any trouble at all no she didn't sprout gills and a tail she "stood" there in her "true" form and slept the whole night away not waking until morning.... Žemyna woke up and found herself all alone in her swimming pool she shakes her head with a smile and swims up to the surface  using the warmth of her own fire she dries her clothes off and goes to see if Abe was still around she finds him in the kitchen doing his best to cook breakfast standing at the stove cooking what looked to be pancakes, bacon and eggs Abe turns as he feels a familiar flow of cool water surround him and the soft beautiful sound of the woman his heart beats far too quickly for as she says "you didn't have to do that!"  he replies "I know.... I wanted too.... I'm not sure how to make the eggs though"  she chuckles softly "in whatever way you can.... would you mind making one more plate?!.... we're about to have company"  he tilts his head in confusion at her but nods as he turns his attention back to the stove even though she walks away from him he could still feel and see her water surround him and he sighs softly and starts humming as he cooks once he finishes cooking he lays everything out onto two plates and finds a bowl of his favorite meal already ready and waiting for him in the fridge as he searches for some juice for her to drink.... his eyes widen in surprise as he sees Žemyna walk in with an equally beautiful woman at her side.... this woman looked as though she were part dragon her eyes were of two different colors one was silver and one was gold but both were as bright as the sun and stars were they both share the same color wavy hair that added to the natural flow of the rest of her gorgeous sylphlike body "Abraham.... I'd like you to meet my sister Grael Sairyss Fafnir Naelon.... I'm pretty sure you know of what she was named after...."  Žemyna introduces the two of them to one another "the great dragons of Earth, Air, Fire and Water"  Abe replies with a nod as he sets the plates and his bowl down upon the dining room table that sits by a large bay window Grael chuckles softly then says "it's a pleasure to meet you Abraham"  Abe was surprised at how beautiful her voice sounded it was soft, beautiful and like Žemyna's it had nature-like qualities to it but was more mystically animalistic "Grael has the ability to turn into animals.... mainly just mystical ones like dragons or unicorns...."  Žemyna tells him as the three of them sit at the table "I didn't know you had a sister"  Abe says with a hint of surprise in his tone "yeah.... um.... well technically she's.... a part of me.... I used to be able to do as she does.... but when I became.... I think 10.... or maybe 12.... she sort of separated herself from me we're uncertain how.... but... once she came "into being" they "put her in" as my sister.... to.... I suppose "explain" how she was brought into this life.... we don't live as others do.... we were put in the place we were put at to learn how to live as other do.... and though our lives could have been better I suppose.... like Red's.... we.... we've lived a long time.... and it would be hard to explain how we survived for so long so we spent many years after the incident at the orphanage learning to control what abilities we have by becoming each.... well for me a element and for her a "mythical" animal.... and since she can only change into a certain type she had to live.... elsewhere.... we're connected her and me she can feel what I feel sense what I sense.... but she will not feel my pain.... if I was to get hurt in anyway she would have no way of knowing.... I've taught myself that much when it come to that.... the rest.... is a little harder.... though I'm not sure I want to completely sever our connection.... perhaps because I'm used to it.... but in truth.... I kind of like it.... it reminds me that I'm not alone.... that there is someone who will always be around if and when I need them.... with her and me.... it's sort of like an out of body experience and she was the one who "came out" when I went in.... it's mainly why she looks the way she does.... she took the pain that was meant for me.... and when I figured out why I wasn't feeling much less remembering what was happening I did whatever I could to free her from those "chains".... she came out when I was in my fiery form.... which is why she looks so much like a dragon.... you said you wanted to earn my trust back.... well this is how you do it.... the B.P.R.D. doesn't know that she exists.... or what she can do.... I know that when they do meet her it will be hard to explain the way she looks.... but unless she chooses to show them.... I will NOT allow them to find out what she can do.... or use her like they've been trying to use me.... she deserves better Abraham!.... and I will do everything I can to make sure she gets it!.... if she chooses to join you, Red and Liz then that's fine!.... but if it isn't her choice and they try to force her.... I will never forgive ANY of them.... including you!"  Žemyna says Abe nods then they sit in silence for awhile so they can eat their breakfast "first time cooking Abe?!"  Grael asks Abe blushes then asks "is it that easy to tell?!"  Grael shakes her head with a smile "no.... I heard the nervousness in your voice as I walked up to the front door.... I have pretty good hearing you know?!"  she teases Abe chuckles Grael tilts her head at him "it's almost like you're singing a song of the sea.... it's quite beautiful"  she tells Abe who blushes once again.... after they finish their breakfast Abe stays for a little longer and ends up making a new friend as he gets to know Grael a little better then he has to return to the Bureau but promises to visit often for he still wants to get to know.... both.... women better.... though one MORE than the other

 though one MORE than the other

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Falling In Love With Earth Wind Fire And WaterWhere stories live. Discover now