The Meaning Of Life And/Or Death

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"Now that's a clear waste of alcohol!.... even warm alcohol should never be wasted like that!"  Hellboy hears Žemyna say with a chuckle in her tone as he continuously gets hit in all areas of his body by the pine green locker doors and one last time in the face making a head imprint into it by the force that was used "there we are your temper makes you sloppy try to control it, agent Hellboy.... before it controls you"  Johann says in a ghostly smokey form then he turns and walks away singing in German "madam"  he bows before Žemyna as he passes her "what's with the ghostbuster seaman?!"  she asks with the chuckle still in her tone as she walks over to Hellboy who sat on the bench nearby and sits beside him he offers her a beer which she politely refuses "I can't stand the smell much less the taste"  she explains "you drink it for me"  she adds "can do!"  Hellboy says as he raises the can as though giving a toast and chugs it down she laughs softly "I hear that you caused some chaos in the troll market earlier...."  she says with a smile on her face "my sister, nephew and I love that place.... and we'll make sure that you're still allowed back.... things get easily forgotten in that place"  she tells him "nephew?!"  Hellboy questions looking at her curiously "yes.... Grael and Nuada have a child.... though they are not married.... it would never be allowed anyway an elf with.... whatever we are!.... oh don't look so shocked Red!.... we've known the royal family for most of our lives.... in many ways they saved us.... him more than the other two.... he protected us when we couldn't protect ourselves.... he is the one who trained us.... taught us how to fight.... this is the first time we have ever seen such darkness within him.... his sister never liked us.... she pretended to of course but we let him be who he is.... so I suppose in a way she might blame us for the darkness he's now bringing into this world.... elves are a stubborn bunch.... it would take many years and the right.... um.... bait.... to change his mind.... no I don't think using his son as "a reason to change" would be a good idea for he could always use the "I'm doing this for him" lie.... not that he is the type of man to do so.... think of it this way Red he's older than us.... he's lived longer than us.... seen more darkness in his own life that would overpower what "little" we've seen in ours.... he's a warrior first a protector of HIS people not anyone else.... even though he does have my sister and his son we are still not technically considered one of his BY his people.... his son is 10.... so in many ways it's still new.... as are the emotions he feels for the three of us.... it's something he may never get used to but they're there and unfortunately for him they will never die even after he does...."  she pauses "can I show you something?!.... it may feel a little weird and even remind you of Abraham in a way but I thought you'd might like to see how the tree man is doing.... though he isn't a tree any longer"  she places her hands on the sides of his forehead and he sees her and her nephew "plant" the forest god in their backyard and the large flower that once was the creatures head bloom and practically take over half her yard by her pool "I built that place.... little by little with my own abilities.... he's grateful you listened and happy where he is now.... out of death comes life.... out of life comes death"  she says softly whispering her last ten words "it was nice.... to be able to do that.... bring one being peace when we feel none.... he may never get the chance.... not that you would understand him anyway but.... thank you Red"  she adds she gives him a hug then disappears "you're welcome"  he whispers as he watches her body change into her water form then vaporize and disappear completely.... for some unknown reason Žemyna didn't feel like leaving the B.P.R.D building and just ended up wandering the halls aimlessly when she passes by Abe's library door she hears Hellboy say "popular love songs? oh, Abe you fell for the princess?... no wonder Zemy's....!"  Abe looks down at Hellboy "Zem?!.... no!.... I can't think about her!.... it hurts!.... too much.... the princess she's.... she's like me, a creature from another world"  Abe says sadly Hellboy shakes his head and mutters under his breath "so is Zem"  as Abe continues "she is alone in the world I wanna help her I need to care for her!"  Abe adds as though making an excuse as to why he feels the way he does "you're in love! have a beer"  Hellboy says handing one over "no, my body is a temple...."  Abe replies "now it's an amusement park"  Hellboy says and Žemyna chuckles softly "no, the glandular balance...."  Abe states "shut up and drink it would you? what track?"  Hellboy asks "eight"  Abe replies ''Can't Smile Without You''  Hellboy reads "I know!"  Abe replies "yeah, I'm gonna need a beer too"  Hellboy says Žemyna chuckles "well see, I love this this song.... and I can't smile.... or cry I think I have no tear ducts.... Žemyna says that I smile with my eyes.... how does one smile with their eyes?!"  Abe asks with a confused tone "oh Abraham!"  Žemyna sighs softly as the song starts and Hellboy says "I wish father were here he'd know what to tell you... us"  and Žemyna feels a familiar presence outside the building "Nu!!"  she whispers softly and she moves away from the door....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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