I laid on my bed unable to focus on any particular thought. There were many random little thoughts that tried to distract me from the important ones, and that's just what they were doing. They managed to push away most of the important thoughts, but one stayed no matter what they tried. A single name continued to ring through my mind,
It has been two and a half months since I last spoke to her, or rather yelled would be a better way of putting it.
"Leilah" I called into the empty air. I wasn't surprise when I received no response. "Leilah, please answer me."
I sat up slowly, pulling my knees to my chest.
"I'm so sorry, Leilah" I whispered resting my head on my knees. "Leilah"
I could feel a tears stinging my eyes. "Leilah"
"I'm sorry but the person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable" a voice finally replied.
"What the? Oh very funny Leilah." I said "Will you please just come talk to me"
There was silence once again, she suddenly appeared on the other side of the room.
"I'm here." She stated "What did you need?"
"To apologize" I answered "I was a total ass to you. I took my rage out on you even though you really didn't deserve it. I shouldn't of yelled at you like that. You were concerned about me and I blew up on you."
She was silent for a while before quietly replying, "I'm sorry too. I should've been more your situation. I should've never said those things to you."
We were stuck in awkward silence for what felt like forever. Eventually Leilah crossed the room and sat beside me.
"H-how have you been?"
"Not so good for a while there, I spent two months cooped up in her." I answered "But I've made some good progress since then. I've been spending a lot of time with Hector. He's a pretty good guy and he has a ton of awesome stories."
"That's to expected for someone who has lived as long as him." She laughed
"So, how about you?" I asked nervously.
"I've been bored out of mind being stuck with her glory the whole time" she replied "The whole time I couldn't help to think of you, worry about you, miss you, and well..."
"Leilah I know what you're going to say."I interrupted "please just don't. I'm not ready to even hear about that stuff."
"Sorry, are you still upset over that" she asked shrieking back a bit.
"Yes and no" I answered "I'm almost there, but I just need more time."
"I-I understand, I won't do anything until I've been forgiven, until you're ready" she replied standing up again.
"I'd appreciate that" I said "So, um....was my request accepted?"
"Yes, it can occur as soon as you set a time" she answered"Kirara, I don't want to start another fight or anything, but do you really think your parents would want this?"
"I'm doing this for myself, Leilah. That bastard took my life from me so I'm going to do the same to him." I replied "Besides, I need to take part of the game anyways. If I don't do something soon I think Alex is gonna snap and kill me himself"
"Speaking of which, have you told him about your battle request?" Leilah asked.
"Oh crap" I cried out before facepalming "I totally forgot to. He's gonna kill me for sure!"

Soul Stone
Teen FictionLife is strange and normally short, but for a select few life is as close to eternal as they could of hoped. How could this be? A deal with a goddess and a few mysterious stones is how. Two people make a deal with a goddess for eternal life. In exch...