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I don't know how it started. I don't know how and why I was born into a world like this. Dark. Cold. Lifeless.

It was infested with monstrous beasts who were once like me...who were once human. Now they fed on the souls of the living in order to survive. Mom simply called them "The dead" and advised me to stay as far away from them as possible unless I'm willing to bash their skulls in. She hated them to the core but she used that hate to protect the only family she had. My dad, my uncle Lenny and me. We aren't your average family.

Mom and dad were an interracial couple. So yea, I'm mixed with black and white. Dad was white and was a doctor before all of this started. When things were quiet, when the dead weren't walking, he'd tell me stories of all his patients and what it was like treating different types of illnesses. His brother Lenny who I called uncle Len was a mechanic.

He could hot wire any car and has never failed to get us state to state on wheels. No matter how tough our days got, how much blood mom splattered, how much mom and dad argued, he always could make me smile. Now on to my mom. She was an African American woman. Tough as nails. But all she cared about were taking down the dead, weapons, and ammunition. She didn't show me much affection sadly. She was almost like an emotionless robot. Dad said she wasn't always like this. Something made her tick years ago.

I was always too afraid to ask her what it was. I know it in my heart that there's  still emotion left inside her waiting to be explored. I know she cares deeply for me because if she didn't she wouldn't protect me the way she did. I just really wish she'd find a better way of showing it. Mom always put me in charge of food ration duty and sent me in stores to scavenge for food, water, and anything else useful I could find.

I wasn't much of a killer, hated it, but in order to survive I know that's what I had to do. Being only 12, I was carrying such heavy burdens. She gave me a gun at only 10 and taught me how to shoot and protect myself to be prepared. "Aim for the head Mindy."


I hate zombies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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