Chapter 10-Formality

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Kate Argent looked back at her shocked niece for a quick moment before she walked over to a large box that had wires sitting on either side of it. Laken threw her head back, rolling her eyes. She knew that she was in deep shit. 

Derek screamed in pain as Kate turned the knob on the side of the box. Just as soon as Derek screamed, Laken cried out in pain. She had forgotten about the mate bond and being able to feel each other's pain.  The older werewolf gasped for a breath as she turned it off and Laken leaned her head back to try and stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks. 

"What are you doing to them? Is that going to kill them?" Allison asked. 

"Oh c'mon, kiddo, don't get all empathic on me now." Kate told her niece. "Laken's just here so I can test some theory's." 

"What is he?" 

"Shape shifter, Lichen, werewolf. To me, he's just another dumb animal." She said, walking over to Derek and lifting his upper lip, "Do you see these? These right here, these are Canines. Also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh, not something you'd find on those cute little, leaf eating herbivores." 

"Is that a joke to you?" Allison questioned her Aunt. 

"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" 

"So, it was him at the high school and all the animal attacks?" 

"There are actually two of them. Another younger one like him called a beta, and then there's the Alpha. The Alpha's  the pack leader. Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those, are the real ugly ones." 


Laken stayed silent as Kate looked through the pocket's of Derek's leather jacket. She hadn't said a word since last night and she didn't think she wanted to. She was pissed. She was pissed that she was currently handcuffed and being shocked every five minutes. She was pissed that her boyfriend had tried to kill her best friend. Most importantly she was pissed that she was missing the formal. 

"C'mon Derek, you killed your sister. Now, you're not telling me because, uh, you wanna kill him yourself, or, for some reason, you're protecting him." She pulled his wallet out of the leather jacket and pulled out a drivers licences, holding it up to Derek's face. 

"Look, at that sour face. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying 'smile Derek, why don't you smile more?' Don't you just wanna kick those people in the face?" 

"I can think of one." Derek glared harshly at the back of her head. 

Kate spun around on her heel, "Promise? Cause if I thought you'd be that much fun, I'd let you go." She walked over to the table and picked up Derek's phone, "Let's see. Nothing, nothing, nothing -- God, I hate this detective crap." 

"Are you gonna torture us." Laken spoke up for the first time, shocking not only Derek but Kate also, "Or are you gonna talk us to death?" 

"Oh, sweetie, I don't wanna torture you, or Derek." Kate sent her a smile, before looking at Derek, "I just wanna catch up with him. Remember all the fun we had together, Derek?" 

"Like the time you burnt my family alive?" Derek questioned and Laken turned to look at her boyfriend in shock.

The blonde Argent laughed, spinning around once more. "No, I was thinking more about the hot, crazy sex we had. But the fire was fun to." Laken froze at the words and Kate laughed, "You didn't know about me and him? He doesn't tell you anything does he?"

Derek lunged forward clawing at his restraints, trying to get to her and glared at her when she chuckled. Laken glared down at the ground, hoping that Scott would find them and get her out. All she wanted to do at that moment was punch something then cry herself to sleep. 

"I love how much you hate me." Kate chuckled. "Remember how this felt?" 

Laken looked up just in time to see the Argent lick a strip from the band of his jeans to his stomach. 

"Sweetheart, I really don't wanna torture you or Laken really." The door slid open and a man came in, cracking his knuckles. "But he does." Kate glanced at the two of them before leaving the room. 


"Laken, talk to me." Derek was looking over at his girlfriend, who was looking down at the ground, her brunette hair covering her face. It didn't take an expert to know that she was crying. 

"You let an Argent kill your family." She looked up, letting out a humorless laugh, "You dated an Argent. You didn't think that was something I would want to know?" 

"It was six years ago! You didn't tell me that you and Jackson were together before!" 

"It was Freshman year." Laken turned to glare at her boyfriend. "It was weird because he was my best friend. We ended it. Then I met you. "


"Unfortunately Derek, if you're not gonna talk, I'm just gonna have to kill you. So, say hi to your sister for me. You didn't tell her about me, did you? The truth about the fire? Or did you? Id you tell anybody?" Derek moved his gaze from Kate down to his feet, "Oh, sweetie, that's just a lot of guilt to keep buried. It's not all your fault, you got tricked by a pretty face." 

"It happens. Handsome, young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with  super hot girl, who comes from a family that kills werewolves. Is that ironic? Is it ironic that you are inadvertently helping me track down the rest of the pack? Again. Or just a little bit of history repeating." She walked back over to the electrical box and tapped her finger over the top. "History repeating." 

"It's not Jackson, is it? Or Laken. No, no, no, he's got a little scratch on the back of his neck, but he's not in love with Allison. Not like Scott." Kate said, "At least he's not in love with Allison like he is with Laken." 

She backed away from the two chained up and out the door before she closed it behind her. Laken let more tears roll down her face, a sob leaving her lips. She wanted her brother. She wanted Scott. She needed Jackson.

Written In The Stars{Derek Hale/Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now