Part 1: The Baby Project

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walk into the highschool and head straight to my homeroom. Biology.

"Alright students. Settle down. Today we're having a end of the year project. It's 87% of your final grade, so I suggest paying close attention." Mrs. Willis says walking to the board and writing baby project in big letters.

I raise my hand to ask a question. "Mrs. Willis, will we be assigned our partners?"

"Excellent question, Sarah. And I was just about to get into that. You all will be selecting your partners. I set it up this way because in life, you choose your husbands or wives. And I was looking to get this project as close to real as I could."

"I can't carry around a bag of flour, I'm allergic. So I'll, like, die. Ya know?" One girl says.

"Don't you worry, Jasmine. Like I said before, I wanted this project as real as possible. I've gotten artificial baby's to act as if they are real life baby's. They cry when they're hungry, they cry when they need to be changed, and sometimes they cry for no reason!" Mrs. Willis adds, as the baby she's holding begins to cry.

"Woah, woah." She says trying to calm it down. "Tomorrow you will be choosing your partners, so think wisely!" She adds as the bell rings for us to go home.

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