Part 12: work

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"It's okay, baby! Kids aren't the biggest concern we have." Leah says laughing

"I know. But their still gross... To me." I say looking at our animatronic child

"They can be." Leah smiles and stands up.

"Where you going??" I say grabbing her hands.

"Work." She says kissing me. "Why don't you come?"

"Yay!" I scream like a child, and jump out of bed, throw on decent clothes, and walk with Leah down to the dinner a few blocks away.

"Hey Leah! Who's the friend?" Some guy says winking at me. I slide behind Leah and cover my face with her sleeve.

"My girlfriend, Johnathan. Back off, or you know what'll happen." She says scornfully.

"Won't happen! Not a chance!" He says running to the grill.

"Leah. On time for once." A girl says coming out of the freezer with ham.

"Hi Marylyn." Leah says sarcastically.

"Oh. And Leah's pet!" She says laughing.

I quickly walk up to her and look into her eyes and say "if you ever talk bad about Leah or me again, I will tie you to a chair, grill all your fingers, cut them off, and feed them to you. Then i'll--"

"Sarah! Down!" Leah says pulling me by my shirt.

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