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"Are you sure this was Okoye's doing?" Shuri asked, not convinced of what she was told. "Yes. I'm pretty sure I am familiar with the general's appearance by now." T'Challa let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I can't see her doing something like this. She is always loyal no matter the circumstances."

"Y'all need to check her." Erik hissed. "I ain't do nothing as far as she's concerned."

"She holds grudges." T'Challa said. "She doesn't show it much but she holds grudges."

Shuri nodded. "That is true. This is the only time."

T'Challa looked at Erik. "How is your shoulder?" He asked in concern. Erik circled his shoulder around. "Feelin' better now. Thanks for showin' up in time." He looked at T'Challa. He only sighed.

"You make me feel guilty for not being there when she attacked.." He said as he looked away.

"Nah, for real. I mean, I could've really been dead if you ain't show up."

A smile then spread across T'Challa's face. "You are welcome."

Shuri teased. "Ay. 'I ain't gotta do nothing for you, princess or this damn country.'" She mocked, laughing as she couldn't help but smile. T'Challa chuckled as well as a light blush peppered Erik's cheeks.

"Ha ha ha, laugh away." He crossed his arms.

"Oh come on. It is funny. You started out so tough and now you find yourself going soft under the king."

"I ain't goin soft, princess." He eyed her. "You don't know what I got up my sleeve."

"Oh don't say that." She winced and shook her head. "I was just starting to like you."

T'Challa smilled. "He is only joking."

Erik looked up at him. "That goes for you too, T. J ain't sugar, spice, and every thing nice."

"But you know better." He told Erik. "We've had a much needed conversation. And I apologized for embarassing you."

Erik nodded. "That was kinda fucked up of you." He said in a joking manner.

"Oh but I thought it was cute! I saw so much passion in your eyes." Shuri said almost too excitedly.

"You see? She thinks I'm cute now. I ain't supposed to be cute."

"Well maybe that's because it's true..And you're only hearing it now."

Erik found himself going silent at what he said, his cheeks heating up.

T'Challa noticed and he smirked.

"To be honest, you are a handsome man. Just crazy." Shuri admitted.

"I know I'm handsome. But I ain't crazy. I just know what's good for us."

T'Challa's smile suddenly dropped. "You do not still believe in this fantasy.." You could almost hear the disappointment in his voice.

Erik shrugged. "I like to think it's still out there somewhere. Didn't my uncle and auntie ever tell you not to give up on your dreams?"

"Ay.." Shuri shooed him with a gesture of her hand and turned away. "Discuss this outside of my lab, please." She told them.

T'Challa nodded. "Very well. Come, N'Jadaka. I will escort you back to your room."

He scoffed, hopping down from the table. "I don't need no escort. No knight in shining armor."

T'Challa let out a throated chuckle. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. But with all the mixed emotions around here, I feel it's best that you stay by my side."

They both walk out of Shuri's lab as said, side by side.

"And by the way..I do think there is a way to achieve your goal, but not in a violent way. Nakia, my ex and close friend of mine, she wants to share the vibranium, too. But to provide aid to other countries."

Erik nodded. "A'ight, can I hit her up?"

"I think it's best if you didn't speak to her." Warned T'Challa. "She isn't too happy about the three new scars you left on her leg."

"Ah, so that was her." He quickly realized. "She put up a hell of a fight. And so did you. Y'all are like one in the same."

T'Challa gave a condensed laugh. "No, not anymore..I thought so, too, though."

They reached Erik's room and wondered inside. "What split y'all up anyways?" Erik asked curiously. T'Challa side. "I just found that I have different interests..I thought it was best that I ended it while I could."

"Uh huh..And what do you mean by that?"

T'Challa smiled. "That is not important, cousin."

"You sure? Maybe I can hook you up."

"I am very sure." T'Challa chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed. Erik joined him before spotting something on the windowsill. A neatly wrapped up gift box.

He nodded his head to it. "What's that?"

T'Challa look over at it. Then he smiled. "That is a gift. For you."

Erik's head tilted as he leaned forward and picked it up, noticing little holes in the sides. "What is it?"

T'Challa laughed. "That is for you to find out. Go on, open it. It won't bite..Maybe."


"Just open it." His smile grew. Erik sat the box down in his lap, pulling the ribbon of the bow as he released the knot.

Slowly, he pulled the lid off and set it aside. His eyebrows furrowed. "Is this..?" He reached down into the box, pulling out a golden panther cub.

"Gold.." He said as he looked at T'Challa. He nodded. "The cub of your father's panther..The only one that survived."

Erik took a moment to admire the small cat, setting it down into his lap. "Why you givin it to me?"

T'Challa shrugged his shoulders. "It's the least I can do..After what happened. And it is a part of him. One I feel you deserve to have."

Erik kept his eyes on the panther and the panther looked right back up at him. As he looked into the face of this golden panther, he felt his hands shaking.

"Baba.." He whispered. He carefully picked up the cub and held him against his chest.

"Thank you, T.." He said sincerely. T'challa was happy to see him embrace the gift he received. "You are welcome, N'Jadaka..I want you to do this..Whenever you think of him..Embrace your cub..speak to him if you need to." He told Erik. And he nodded.

"I will." He said as he looked down at the cub. T'Challa kept his eyes on Erik. "You are strong..Remember that.."

Erik look up at him, their eyes locking once again.

T'Challa leaned forward this time, pressing a feather light kiss onto Erik's cheek.

He blushed deeply when he felt his lips on his skin. And when he pulled away, Erik's eyes were still on his.

"There will be a meeting tomorrow.." T'Challa informed him, standing up to his feet. "Be ready around 8:30.." He said before starting to leave the room, leaving Erik red flushed and even a little confused.

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