Hanging Out

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I sat in Matt's car, driving to my house to 'hang out'. I had texted my aunt that my boss was going to come over because he wanted to make sure I was okay and that I'd explain why later. She said that she left cookies on the counter. That part confused me though? Is she going to be there? I shook my head. My Aunt Lisa wouldn't try to leave me alone with my boss....right? We pulled up to my house, and I noticed my aunt's car was gone. Crap. She left me alone. Alone with my boss. Is this illegal? No no we are just hanging out....but he almost kissed me earlier! This isn't good! What if he rapes me? I'm too young to die! Then I realize Matt is waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my inner dispute with myself and look over at his killer green eyes.

"Umm.." I say not sure what to say, considering my previous thoughts.

"Is no one home?" Matt asks and nod unconsciously and Matt gets out, but I can't seem to move. Why did he ask if someone else was home? He's going to rape me then slit my throat! It's a trap! I knew it all along! Oh dear god, I'm too young to die! I haven't done so many things! DON'T LET ME DIE GOD! Then my passenger door opens and I jump. Matt's giving me an amused smile and I frown but get out. I walk up to the door with Matt trailing behind me. I unlock the front door and take off my shoes which Matt copies. I then open the basement door and we walk downstairs. Once we're down there, I sit on the couch, facing Matt who's on the other end of the couch.

"Are you going to kill me?" I blurt out suddenly and Matt looks at me like I've just morphed into some odd creature. Damn me! Why would I do that? He probably thinks I'm a weirdo!

"Now why would I want to do that?" Matt says with another amused smile. "Is that why you looked so panicked in the car?" He asks me, leaning over, trying to reach my gaze which was focusing on the couch cushions.

"Yes?" I squeak out and Matt chuckles lightly.

"I don't kill pretty girls." He says shaking his head like he can't believe what he was hearing.

"Wait so you kill ugly girls?" I ask and he shakes his head chuckling. I look at him in surprise. Wait... did he just call me pretty? Well I kinda doubt he's going to kill me now if he thinks I'm pretty...but I did spray him with pepper spray. What if this is pay back? No! This is crazy! I need to stop having coffee I swear...

"So what are we watching?" Matt asks me, looking through my DVDs.

"THIS MEANS WAR!" I scream suddenly and Matt looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Alrighty then." He says, grabbing the DVD and popping it in the DVD player. He presses play and we watch it together, laughing at the two guys in the movie fighting for one girl. When the movie ends, we walk upstairs to pop some more popcorn. I was raving about the movie while Matt was smirking at me.

"I mean it was just so good! The two main guys are hot, and it's hilarious! Damn I love that movie!" I say as Matt chuckles, and turns to get the popcorn from the microwave. "Oh here let me get a bowl." I say walking over to the cabinet and getting on my tippy toes, trying to reach the bowl on the way top. "Aw come on." I murmur and then I feel Matt. Not just a hand trying to get the bowl above me but his chest is pressed my back and he reaches over me, taking the bowl with ease. I gulp from our position. When Matt is standing straight again, I feel one of his hands on my hip. We stand there for a moment, not moving. I then turn around and Matt looks at me with lust. I only know it's lust because I've seen guys do this quite a lot...but never guys my age. Only older guys who have tried to hit on me. I was surprised, when I put my hand to his chest, trying to get past him. I'm surprised to feel his heart beating way faster than necessary. I bite my lip and Matt groans. He moves away from me and I uncomfortably walk across the room, putting the popcorn in my bowl."Um do you want to watch another movie? Or uh play some video games?" I ask and Matt sighs.

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