Leaving You

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"And then he kissed me!" I say and Sarah spits out all of the water she had previously been drinking.

"HE KISSED YOU?!" She exclaimed and I nodded my head. "Holy hell! I did not see that one coming!" She says and I sigh.

"I feel bad. Almost like I betrayed Matt." I say and Sarah nods. We were currently at my house packing things into boxes while listening to music through my iHome.

"Yeah I know what you mean. But you don't really know where he is so if you are taking a break at the moment then it was nothing. Plus it came by surprise." Sarah reasoned and I nodded. Suddenly a new Maroon 5 song I had put on my ipod not long ago came on. I grinned as it began.

You're such a motivator. I gotta get you way
So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir
You're such an instigator, you wanna play the game
Take it or leave it, that's her, that's her
And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million
My lucky strike!

"Got me so high and then she dropped me! She got me she got me she got me now!" Sarah joined in and I sang the next lyrics.

"Took me inside and then she rocked me!" I screamed and we looked at each other and grinned as we sang at the same time.

"She kept me up all night, this is what it sounds like.."  We sang together and belted out the chorus. When it was over we collapsed in laughter.

"Damn I love that song!" I scream and there's a low chuckle at the door. There's a tingle down my spine and my eyes widen. Sarah is sharing the same expression as she stares at who is standing at the door. I gulp as I slowly turn my head to see the same green eyed guy who has been ignoring me for days.

"Hey Olive." He says so casually I think my heart is going to explode from my chest. Sarah jumps up from her position on the floor and she mumbles something about going to the bathroom as she quickly jogs past her.

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked and he shurgged.

"Just followed to sound of Adam Levine." He said with a smirk. That one twitch of his mouth caused a sudden burst of anger coursed through me. I stood up and glared at him before walking to the other side of the room where I continued to place picture frames into boxes. "What was that look about?" Matt asked as he walked over to my side of the room. I sense his presence next to me but didn't look up as I continued to place objects in the box. "Olive?" He asks me and suddenly I can feel the timer that was ticking suddenly go off.

"That look was because you're an idiot!" I yelled and he looked taken back.

"I'm an idiot?" He asked as though he wasn't sure he heard me right.

"Yes!" I screamed and through my hands up, not understanding how he didn't get it. "I told you I was moving and you just walked out and ignored my calls for days!" I said poking his chest in annoyance. I saw him trying to hold back what he wanted to say.

"It was a lot to take at the moment." He said so calm it was scary. But I was not in the mood to be intimidated. No it was his turn to get what he deserved.

"Oh bullshit!" I screamed and he looked surprised by my curse word. "It was a lot for me take in. I needed you to listen and be there for me. You went god knows where and to think you can come back like you were never gone. Well you must be shitting me if you think so!" I scream and anger flares in Matt's eyes. Matt leans down, an angry scowl coming onto his face.

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