Summer Vacation

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During my summer vacation in the middle of my college years, and when I was traveling to see my friend Matt who was studying in another state in the US, An unexpected story to tell went through me which I honestly could not believe it might happen to me in real life. A story felt like a cold summer breeze came and left so quickly without a warning during a hot summer day

My Story:

Living in a small town made me feel somehow bored during a long vacation, so I decided to take advantage of the summer break to visit t my friend Matt that I have not seen for a long time at that moment. I packed up my things and decided to take the bus for traveling to get a chance to discover all the new towns and cities and enjoy the country view along the way. So at the local bus station I griped the first bus knowing that there would be many buses exchange along the way.  

We took off from my small town where my university used to be and moved west to the next bus station in the next state. The trip was calm and quiet somehow; and everything looked normal and quite. At the first stop station, we were supposed to get off the bus and wait for an exchange one which would continue moving with my destination.    


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    *Waiting Room and the weirdo

It was a long waiting time in a big waiting hall where I knew nobody to talk to and kill sometimes

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It was a long waiting time in a big waiting hall where I knew nobody to talk to and kill sometimes. However,I have noticed a young girl sitting on the chair next to mine who apparently she was there but her mind was somewhere else. I just took a glance at her and went back to my boring waiting period. After a while a young weird guy; with a ring attached to his nose chained to his ear; came and sat on the chair next to her on the other side of mine. Obviously, he tried to force his way to interrupt her mediation. I looked at her reaction which was very annoyed at him as if she was saying "leave me alone I don't need another joker in my life right now". Then she leaned toward me and said "sorry, do you have a time." " sure it 5 o'clock" I replied and went silent. I didn't know what else to say. Few minutes went by and she turned at me again and said "do you know what time the bus leaves" I shook my head clearing that I had no idea and kept silent... again. The weird guy went out for a moment and then got back offering her a cold drink thinking that might easy her mind and let him get close to her. But he was wrong. She didn't even look at him.Time passed by, people started to mumble of what was going on and why it was taking too long to give the go ahead and let us get on the bus. Happily here came the waited voice announcing to the passengers to start loading the bus.The door of the bus was attacked by everyone who was waiting in that room which obviously they were all going in the same direction. Everybody jumped to the bus trying to find a good seating chair, I decided to wait for the end of this and get on the bus knowing that the bus would never leave the station unless everyone had got on it.     

*Fishing for a seat

*Fishing for a seat

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When I got on the bus I found that everybody was busy settling down themselves and getting ready for the long ride to the other bus station, so I cruise myself along the way to the back of the bus where I could find an empty seat to rest. Along the way, I have noticed the same girl who was sitting next to me in the waiting room and next to her was the weird guy waiting for her to move to the chair against the window in order for him to grab the aisle seat to sit next to her. I heard her saying to him "no you can't... this seat is taken... I have told you many time that... this seat is taken... and I am waiting for my friend who will be here in any moment"...Then and suddenly...she griped my arm while I was passing by her and pushed me down on the seat next to her saying with angry tone in her voice "here you are I have been waiting for you, where have you been?".... and then before I even understood what was going on, she looked back at the weird guy and said..." see I told he would be here any moment"... I was stunned and speechless. It took me a minute to know what was going on. Obviously, the girl used me as a bait to get rid of the weirdo which I didn't blame her anyway. The guy looked at me with a confused eyes and I heard him mumbling to himself something like "she picked that guy over me? Fine... You guys are both losers".

I sat down and kept quiet and nervous at the same time without saying a word. She turned at me and said with an apology tone in her voice: "sorry to put you through this but this was the only way to get rid of that weirdo" although I felt so annoyed at her because she used me as an excuse and I was going to let her know about my angry feelings, but it all turned upside down when our eyes met for the first time. I felt something weird inside me because of her look that made me believe that she was in big sorrow and the last thing she needed at that time was blame from anybody. So I got it... and I couldn't believe when I heard myself saying to her "it is OK never mind I am glad that I could be helpful" she gave me that lovely soft smile which made me go numb all over my body, and then everything went in silence.

I leaned backward trying to gather myself from falling apart from such weird situation and try to make sense out of this nonsense. So I thought it was the time to keep my mouth shot and have some relaxing time. I looked outside the window and watched the trees moving fast. I thought that was the end of the excitement, but I was wrong...

Cold Breeze in Hot SummerWhere stories live. Discover now