Part 8

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The New Boy. Part #8

Abby felt dizzy. Her head was spinning, How could this all have just happened?! How could your perfect world just suddenly come to an end? This was bad. No, this was worse than bad. This was TERRIBLE. Abby couldn't contain her tears. She was bawling. She knew she might not see Harry for years, maybe not ever again. She was ready to crawl up and die. Why of all things bad that could have happened, did it have to be this? Harry had described his mother Anne as such a sweet woman. Abby had actually video chatted with her a few times while she was with Harry. She was such a wonderful woman. Why. Why did Abby's world have to come crashing down. As Abby walked home it started down pouring. She didn't care though. Maybe nobody would be able to tell she was crying then. Abby just couldn't believe it. What was she going to do.


Pretty soon I need a new girl character. Anyone?:)

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