Story Part 19: The Identity

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I run through sister Irene room and hugged her, I was not scared so easily but that hood guy is somewhat I feel he's a demon, I never tell my sister that some maniac are wandering around us but all of them are dead and I think I know who is the killer, that hoodman and we appreciate it but he doesn't have to follow us and stalk us all day, then sister Irene woke up and saw me hugging her

"what's the problem Wendy? Why are you shaking? Your not like this" she was alert and asked me

"can we stay in this room together, I feel something is really not right" I was shaking and hugging Irene tightly

"this is not good" sister Irene murmured "wait here ill call the others" she stood up

"don't leave me!" I stood up and hold her

"I'll be back" Irene said

I was shaking and I feel that this guy in hood have something that scares me. They all came and asked what is the reason why I was very scared and shaking

"don't be afraid Sister, we are all here and no ones gonna hurt you" joy said

"well.... To be honest many maniac are after us, I didn't want all of you to be alarmed" I said

"you should have tell us in the first place" Seulgi said

"don't shout at her, she's scared right now" Irene said

"sorry about that" Seulgi said

"so what is the problem?" yeri said

"all of them are.... Dead" I said

"how? What happened to them?" Seulgi asked me

"they been killed brutally" I said then they became alarmed and starts to get curious

"who killed them?" Irene said

"that guy" I said and they got it

"that hooded guy?" Joy said

"we are relieved that he killed them but why is he stalking us? Is he a psycho?" Yeri said

"that is not the problem, there is one more problem" I said

"what is it?" yeri said

"he want to kill y/n brother" I said

"what?" joy said

"that can't be! He must not die!" Seulgi said and starts to call him

After 5 rings he answered his phone and he looks fine base on his voice


We heard his voice so feel relieved and he's in no threat to us, we feel like y/n was here again but in his brother body so we just talked to him

"what's the problem?" brother said

"don't be alarmed oppa" I said

"what's wrong?" he said

"your life is in danger and he's going to kill you" Seulgi said

"wait for us! We're going there" Irene said

"okay" he said

My sisters grabbed their weapons and prepared themselves to fight him for real, it's been so long since they stopped fighting and killing people.


This guy is a real psycho until we heard y/n brother voice

"who are you?!" he said

(completed) 5 female killers (RED VELVET X MALE READER) Where stories live. Discover now