Advise for People with Bipolar Disorder

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When you feel like your senses are getting the best of you and you want to scream and break everything in your path... Just go to your room and scream into your pillow. Or just roll around in your bed or on the floor (if you have enough space or bed.) And I suggest that you just listen to music while you're rolling or just lying somewhere. The best place for me to lie down is on the cold living room floor. And don't let your siblings or your mom and dad make you feel like it's weird. Hey! If that what works for you it works. If it helps you calm down I suggest that. You might want to do something different... Hey and that's fine too! There is also YouTube. So you can look up different sensory strategies to try and there are a lot... You just have to find the best one for you. Every person is different and no one's likes the same exact thing. I just found that I like laying on the cold living room floor. When I was little I had this  all plastic brush... I think I still have it... But my mother or I would brush the bristles across my skin. On my legs, my arms, and that would calm me down when I got over stimulated. Like about how my hair felt hanging across my face or how my dress or pants felt on me. Like I said you need to find what works for you... That's all I got for sensory for bipolar disorder.
Thank you so much and don't forget to follow or comment... Remember the rules.... Love ya 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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