Advice #3 for Bipolar People

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Friends -

One of the major things ( well, I think this is a major thing) to have is good, positive, and optimistic friends by your side. There be no other choice (because of different situations, again everyone is different and no one has the same situations in their households), but to talk to your friends or besties about how you feel... CAUTION!!!! Choose what you say and how you say it to them very wisely because what you say can and will affect how your future comes. If they are registering everything correctly and need a little bit more info then try your best to simply your words or use metaphors or similes to sum it up. If the friend or bestie isn't wanting to cooperate with what your saying is a true statement. Then they are probably not the person who you want to express your feelings to. Especially, if they use it against you in future reference.... Or if they think they have what you have and they are wrong and judge you about it. They aren't your friends either.
In nineth grade, there was this girl that was my best friend (I am not going to reveal her name, but she knows who she is 😒😤), since eigth grade we got along up until about September/October of 2017. The reason why was I was having a period of time where I was depressed so bad that I wouldn't even talk to my teachers for about a week. And she got mad at me for not talking to her for that week and she claimed she also had bipolar (she obviously didn't) and blamed me for getting her in trouble for writing a stupid note that said she was still suicidal. HOW IS THAT MY FAULT? SHE'S THE ONE WHO WROTE IT DOWN NOT ME!!!! Anyway, the following days after she got in trouble for HER note, I tried to make it up to her. Texting and calling to leave voicemails telling her I was sorry and wanted to make it up to her. She refused and blamed me for her getting in trouble. I tried to reason with her but she told me to delete her number... And we don't even speak to each other now... Let alone look at each other.... It's sad but true. What I want you guys to know is that once you put yourself out there. People are either going to accept you for who you are and be with you. Or dump your friendships down the toilet and show their true identity. In anyway, be careful who your friends are so you can have a shoulder to cry on when the time comes.

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