Flower Boy | One Shot

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Byeongkwan looked at Hangyeom..

"Yah Hangyeom I really don't want to handle with this new guy, who is coming today.."

Hangyeom rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I'm happy.. but it's how it is.."..

Byeongkwan took a deep breath and watched him..

"What could we do?"

Hangyeom smiled and threw his cigarette away..

"We will not give him a chance to breathe"

Byeongkwan touched his shoulder and smiled in satisfaction..


The teacher looked to the class..

"He's a new student and he came from Seoul International Art School.. As I know your class... the new student wouldn't fit here but there isn't any other chance.. Just be nice to him and welcome him, okay?."

The class nodded and the teacher walked towards the door to call the student..
A tiny boy with pink hair walked behind the teacher.. his soft hair was covering his eyes but only by looking at his face.. lips.. and nose you can tell how handsome the boy is..

"Introduce yourself Hyojin.."

A few seconds of silence felt in.. The boy looked really nervous..

"My name is Kim Hyojin.. I'm 18 years old.. "

The girls whispered to eachother..

"Uhw he's handsome.."

The other girl nodded..

"Such a small face and cute voice.. I'm already in love"

Not only these two girls were talking but also two girls next to Hangyeom became hyperactive..

"Woah he looks like an idol"

Hangyeom looked at them.. quite annoyed.. After the girl next to him realized Hangyeom was looking at them she suddenly calmed herself..

"But Hangyeom is manlier than him.. he is also taller.. there is no one who can beat him.."

The other girl agreed .. Hangyeom stroked his hair out of his face and watched the boy, who was standing infront of the blackboard.. with his eyes on the ground.. The teacher put a hand on his back..

"You can sit next to Joon hyun.."

Byeongkwan was annoyed .. They didn't expect a rich and handsome kid.. who looks like an idol.. Byeongkwan made a loud noise..

"There was only a cute pink girl missing.. but thanks to god we are complete now"

Hangyeom smiled.. After the class ended Hangyeom walked towards the new boy named Hyojin.. his classmates Byeongkwan and Hyunsuk followed him..

"Yah! Just look for another school.. okay?"

Hyojin didn't react.. Hangyeom hated to be ignored.. He hold his chin and lifted his head up to make an eye contact with him.. it was only for few seconds.. but Hangyeom could see his red eyes.. he either cried all the night because of his first schoolday.. or maybe he was taking some drugs or something.. Hyojin tried to walk away but Hangyeom approached him..

"What's wrong with you?.. Are you afraid.?"

Donghun who was watching the situation from his place stood up and got between them..

"Gyeom-ah let him go.."

Hyunsuk laughed..

"But we're having fun hyung.."

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