Meeting New People

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That night Rafaela had a dream that she was in a dark hallway so she walked until the end, and when she got there she saw a single light on top of a man chained on a chair.

"Hello? Who are you?" She said as she goes closer to him. The man didn't say a word until Rafaela was an inch away from him "Why...did you leave me" the man whispered "I'm sorry but can you say that again" Rafaela asked of him. The man then slowly looked up to Rafaela and again he said "Why did you leave me Rafaela!?!" He cried out and revealing his face only to find out he was Argus. Tears run down on his face, his pupil had a bright green color while the outside was black "Thanks to you the sword has gotten me and you did nothing but watch me as I suffer! It's all your fault you couldn't save me and now it has taken me" Argus said while looking behind Rafaela to see that the sword was behind her. Rafaela turned around to see what it was but when she did the sword flew right into Argus's chest "Argus! No it's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!" As she covered her eyes with her hands and tears run down on her face then suddenly when she removed her hands from her eyes she was on top of the clouds and Argus was gone and then she felt like something was grabbing her behind and whispered "Wake up Rafaela" then she woke up. She saw Miya, Nana and Irithel next to her bed "Are you ok Rafaela? We tried to wake you up" Miya said "You were murmuring and crying in your sleep" Irithel said "Did you have a nightmare?" Nana asked. Rafaela touched her eyes only to feel tears on her face, she didn't even notice that she was crying but Rafaela didn't want to tell them why "Oh I didn't realize I was crying I couldn't even remember the dream I had oh well, let's go eat breakfast already I'm hungry" she said as she went to the kitchen.

Miya cooked breakfast for everyone including Leo, they didn't ask about what happened to Rafaela because they thought it would be for the best. Miya and Nana went to the market to get more food while Irithel went to the forest to kill monsters and Rafaela took a stroll outside. While Rafaela was walking a car suddenly almost bumped her luckily she didn't get hurt.

"Hey! No sorry!?!" She shouted and the car suddenly turned around and crashed into a fire hydrate. Then 2 people got out of the car and the car suddenly transformed into a person "Oww..I told you to wash of your windshield before we left now look what happen" one of them said "I know but we need to be at H.Q. right away" the car said "Yeah but if we're all dead we can't go to H.Q. can we!?!" The other one said. Rafaela stepped in the conversation to argue with them "Hey you almost ran me over you know!" Rafaela said "Sorry, its just that we were in a hurry to get back to S.A.B.E.R. H.Q." he said sincerely "Still you should be careful or you might get hurt and if not someone could be hurt" Rafaela said and forgave them "Thank you for understanding anyway my name is Bruno the one to my left is Lollita and the human car's name is Johnson" Bruno said "Nice to meet you I'm Rafaela" Rafaela said "Wait Rafaela as in Rafaela the angel!?!" Lollita said "Yup that's me" Rafaela answered "You know her?" Johnson said "Uh Yeah don't you know that she and her brother are the destined angels of the Land of Dawn! I heard you and Argus met up with Moskov" Lollita said in exitment "Wow really that guy was one of our most wanted! I'm surprised you're alive" Bruno said "Hey speaking of Argus where is he?" Lollita said "Oh um you see......." Rafaela told them the whole story well most of it at least "And that's what happened, please don't tell anyone" Rafaela said to them "I'm so sorry about Argus" Lollita said "If there is anything we can do to help you we'll be waiting at H.Q., its the tall building that has the word S.A.B.E.R. on top" Bruno said "I will, Thank You" Rafaela said "Yeah at H.Q. ........... OH NO WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT H.Q. BY NOW I TOTALLY FORGOT!!!" Johnson said and grabbed Bruno and Lollita "Sorry we really need to go it was nice meeting you bye!" Johnson said and drove away.

Rafaela waved bye to them and went on her way' she didn't want to go home just yet so she kept on walking and exploring new places in the Land of Dawn. Rafaela suddenly came across an interesting restaurant, since she was getting hungry anyway she went inside to get a bite to eat. She sat on a table and began to order, she called the waiter to order.

"Hi the names Chou im part owner of this fine establishment would you like to order?" Chou said "Yes I would like to try this and plane water" Rafaela said "Ok then! your order will be served 10 minutes from now" Chou said and rushed to the kitchen. It didn't take long for Rafaela to get her order but it gave her enough time to think about Argus and how was he doing. As Rafaela was lost in her thoughts Chou served Rafaela's food to her table, which made her wake up "Here you go hot and fresh" Chou said "Oh thank you" as she started eating her food 3 men went into the restaurant and pulled out guns "Hey if you people don't want to die then I suggest you hand over your money" one of them said, the people were starting to panic and Rafaela had no reaction she just watched because she had been through this and wasn't surprised at all  "Hey you! you messed with the wrong restaurant pal" Chou said "You don't know who your talking to pal so I suggest you just put your money in the bag and no one gets hurt" one of them said, Chou suddenly rushed up to one of them and punched him in the face "The only one that's going to get hut are you 3 if you don't get out of my restaurant" Chou said as he was getting into a fighting position "Why you, get him!" one of them said as they start to shoot him but it was hard for them to actually shoot him because he was too fast, he then rushed up to them and disarmed them of their weapons and punched both of them really hard "You had the chance to leave and now this is what happens to you, typical robbers" as he was talking to them the one that got punched earlier grabbed his gun and shot him in the leg so he couldn't run. The bullet hit him because he was busy talking to the other 2 "Got you" he said, Chou fell to the ground and his leg began to bleed and it gave the robbers a chance to fight back. Rafaela was watching the whole time and so she started to help, she blasted the 3 men away from Chou so she could get close and heal him. She eventually healed his leg at Chou was ready to fight again "No way i'm out of here" one of them said as the other 2 followed, the people in the restaurant cheered for both of them "Thanks for helping me by the way" Chou said to Rafaela "No problem healing is my job after all" Rafaela replied "For that you get your meal for free but you have to tell me your name?" Chou said "Rafaela my name is Rafaela" Rafaela said "Wow you mean the one thats....." Chou said but before he could finish Rafaela already knew what he was going to say "Yes that Rafaela" Rafaela said "Wow I wish you told me sooner but isn't there another one?" He said, so Rafaela told him what she told the others "Really well i'm sorry for you but if there's anything i can do come by to my restaurant" Chou said "Thank you I will" with that she waved goodbye and went back to the house because it was starting to get dark she couldn't wait to tell Miya, Nana and Irithel the people she met.

2 Angels (Rafaela X Argus)Where stories live. Discover now