Part 1

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My ears were aching, and I could taste bile at the back of my throat. It felt good. I left the crowd that circled all exits of the concert hall and made my way to a diner not too far away. It was greasy, poorly lit and the food would most likely poison me. I threw my bag in before me as I slid into my usual booth. I perused a slimy menu on the tabletop as I slipped my heels to the top of the boots I wore. I'd see blisters if I looked at my feet.

A waitress idled her way over to my table, she took my order before moving on to the booth in front of me. A vaguely familiar head of tousled blond hair was sat opposite me, face hidden behind glasses and a grey beanie pulled down low. A black coffee was dropped at my table by another waitress as I tried to place the person facing me from the other table. My food had arrived when I realised. He was the lead singer of the band I'd just seen perform. I tried not to gawk, instead keeping my eyes locked firmly on my bangers and mash.

I ate slowly before grabbing my bag and dropping some cash on the table and making my break for the exit. It couldn't have been a worse time to leave as. in my rush, I flew right into him. He hit his back against the table he was trying to leave, I dropped my bag and my phone smashed with it.

"I'm so sorry," I groaned, as we stabled ourselves. I scooped my bag and phone off the floor, as he straightened himself.

"It's fine," he smiled lazily, fixing his glasses as we both made our way to the door. "Is your phone alright?"

"Sorry? Oh, yeah, it's fine. It was inevitable it would break so no biggy," I laughed it off, showing him the new scratches on the screen.

"It still works though, right?" He asked, pressing the home button. The screen didn't light up.

"Honestly, it's probably dead," I said as my stomach sunk. "I just got out of a concert and I tend to take heaps of pictures and shit. It'll be fine once it's on charge." It wasn't dead, I knew it should've had enough battery to last until I got home. I don't know why I didn't say it was his concert.

"Are you meeting friends or anything?" He asked. We were standing outside the diner now, under flickering fluorescent lights.

"What the fuck?" I scoffed.

"In a totally non-creepy way! I just think the city is dodgy at night and if you don't have a phone you don't have a way to get home," he explained, calmly, coolly and in a collected manner.

"I don't live too far away, I'll be fine," I shrugged nonchalantly. He looked around us before muttering intelligibly to himself.

"I'll walk you," he said firmly.

"I'm sorry?"

"You don't live far and it's probably not safe to go alone," he shrugged.

"I don't want to put you out of your way, it's like a twenty-minute walk past Tesco's at Elephant and Castle," I pointed lamely in that direction.

"Well it's not out of my way," he smiled, and I lost any other argument about it, there was no question now, he would walk me home. I nodded dumbly before starting off in the direction of my share-house. It was cold, and we were quiet in the London streets. The rush of the concert had already faded, and I was starting to feel tired, especially after the diner food.

"I really should've got a coffee to go," I joked as my bag bumped against my hip. He walked faster than me.

"Tired?" He asked, and I nodded. "What show were you seeing tonight?"

"Yours, actually," I grinned.

"Oh right... Sorry I didn't recognise you I guess."

"Don't worry about it," I laughed, "There was a bit of a crowd."

We talked for the remainder of the walk, a little about his concert but mostly other things. How long I've been in London, where I'm from before, how much he's travelled, and where I want to travel.

"This is my street," I sighed as we turned the last corner. "I'm the one at the end." I pointed to a crooked building at the end, made of bricks with chipped white paint. I opened the gate and he walked me up to the door. A light was on inside, so I knew my roommate was still awake, probably in the lounge working.

"I guess I should go then," I hadn't gone in yet, we were standing on my doorstep. "Thanks for uh, walking me home..."

"Thanks for coming to the show, and sorry about your phone. At least now you can charge it," he smiled before turning away.

It wasn't until he reached the gate that I blurted out. "He, did you want to come in for a coffee?" He turned around slowly with a small grin.

"Maybe not tonight, but I'll take your name and a raincheck?"

"Emma Raine, but I don't know about a raincheck."

"Oh?" He pulled out his phone.

"How would we get in contact to arrange it?"

"I know where you live, I'll come by sometime." He was smiling cheekily now.

"And what if I'm not here?"

"Then I'll call ahead," he handed me his phone. It was unlocked and already on a new contact. A smile tugged at my lips as I entered my details before handing it back. "I'll call you," he smiled softly, nodding his head before turning to leave. I didn't look and entered my house before I said anything else. 

This is the first part of a 10 piece story. Chapter lengths will vary drastically but focus on the same two characters every time. 
Let me know what you think.

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