lost in love(werewolf storie)

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i was sitting on my bed listening to my ipod when i heard a knock on my door. i sighed and stood up and opend the door to my bedroom to see my mom. "what" i said in a bored tone looking a my mom with an equally bored exspression. " ali were having company soon so be dressed nicely when you come down" my mom said looking at me sterly. i sighed and nodded and watched as she walked away. i closed my dooor and sat on my bed and looked at the clock. it was 7:30 pm. i sighed again, well i guess i should explain. my names allison reeds and im 17. i have long black hair and blue eyes and a perfect figure but i dont like to show it off. i guess you could call me goth or emo but im not i have my tounge peirced to oh and did i mention the fact my familys a werewolf?. i stood up off my bed and walked to my closet, fter a few minutes i decided to wear my black skinny jeans and a tight black shirt. when my mom said to dress nicley she didnt meen a dress and high heels." i cant belive my mom wants me to mate..." i mutterd under my breath as i brushed out my hair and applyed some eyeliner., after i was finished i walked down stairs slowly and sttoppings midway takeing a deepbreath before walking down stairs to see the new werewolf family my moms broughten home in hopes of me mateing. arent moms supposed to be against this kinda stuff?...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2010 ⏰

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