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A blonde girl squatted inside the sand pit, sniffing as she wiped away her tears and her snot. A few grown kids, probably around age 7 to 10, were laughing at her.


"So sensitive! Haha haha!"

"It's just a sandcastle! What is there to cry for?"

The little girl cried and sniffed even harder, the words hitting her heart. She was thinking of showing her mother her beautiful castle so she built it for a long time.

Suddenly a little buff salmon-haired kid stood in between them, his hands stretched out.

"Stop bullying the girl you big bullies! Go away!"

The grown up kids were about to retort and shout back when their parents came. They quickly became the 'innocent' kid they were and ran away.

The little girl sniffed and slowly stood up, quickly wiping away the tears and looking at the boy clearly.

"I'm Natsu! Natsu Dragneel!"

The boy made a big smile on his face and stretched out his hand for a shake. The little girl looked at the hand for a while before quickly wiping her dirty hands on her pink dress, connecting her palms to his and plastered a big smile on her face.

"Lucy! Lucy Heartfilia!"

bad boys aren't always bad // naluWhere stories live. Discover now