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This vampire Is a really scary one .  Adze is a vampire creature found in the legends of the  Ewe people of  Southern Togo.
This  vampire took on a form of firefly .lovely right. It comes in a form of a pretty and enchanting insect but this vamp is not to be taken for granted .
If caught it will revert to a quasi-human form ,that of a human-like figure with a  hunchback, sharp talons and jet black skin. Ugly right. It was in this form that is the most dangerous because in this form it could kill his victim, drink their blood and eat their heart and liver (goes for the most vital blood producing organs in the  body) .
Like most vamp,children are adze's favorite food but in some cases ,then may feed on palm oil and coconut water and will often raid a village's supply. This food items however are not enough to sustain a firefly vamp,they will become weak if they do not feed on children. If the Adze is deterred from feeding for a long period of time ,it may go on a feeding frenzy ; in this case the victim will become infected with a deadly disease. The creature does not have to kill in some cases only take enough blood to survive without taking the liver and heart.
   With enough strength,the Adze can posses a human and become a living vampire but its favorite to posses is a sorcerer, as it obtain the sorcerer's magic ,but once captured the magic Is lost and will revert back to its human form .
The Adze can only be defeated if caught but catching them is a trick  because there Is no way to be protected from the  vampire spirit. The Ewe people believed the safest way to catch and destroy the Adze vampire was to trap them with coconut water and palm oil .If the Adze spirit is captured ,the spirit generally tortured to a slow and painful death.
Hey guy
Yh am still alive , have been super busy due to my addmision process but the good news is have finally gained admission, so the updates are going to be more frequent from now on
Pls remember to press the little star button ,comment and share pls(puppy dog eyes)
Until next time buyee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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