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Today was just like an ordinary day for Shreya... except on an ordinary day, some blue living thing doesn't appear in your room.

After a busy day at work, all she wanted to do was go to bed after dinner and cuddle with herself and watch anime, kpop videos and text her useless friends.

Hardly 5 minutes had passed when she realised that something had crashed in her room. She couldn't see it clearly asshe was in complete darkness but it was giving out a blue-ish hue, was round,


It was moving.

She screamed and hurriedly switched on the lights and.... it was DOREMON!

She loved watching 'Doremon' as a child but never thought that it was real...

She was so shocked to see it, that her jaw dropped to the ground.

Finally she spoke, "what the f- are you Do-Doremon?"

Doremon – ".... (said something she couldn't understand)..."

Shreya- "Dude I really want to talk but I think we have language problem"

Doremon took out something grey from his pocket, ate a part of it and gave some to Shreya and she did the same.

Doremon – "Hello, my name is Doremon! I am from virtual Japan. Nice to meet you and sorry for breaking some stuff in your room."

Shreya – "Oh God, am I dreaming? (Pinches herself- realises it is not a dream) *sigh* Hi Doremon... I'm Shreya. What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?!"

Doremon- "I don't really know, I think my time machine broke and landed at the wrong place... I'm sorry, I should leave."

He takes out a pink coloured door, "ANYWHERE DOOR!!!"

Shreya –"Hey!!! WAIT!!!"

Shreya grabs him by his pocket, Doremon panics, and loses his balance and collides with his time machine and vanishes...

Leaving behind his 'Anywhere Door' and 'Translation Tool'.

Shreya –"If you're gonna disappear then take your stuff with you."

At first Shreya was worried. But then her mischievous mind thought of something. She soon discarded the idea, thinking it would be wrong.... but she couldn't resist, so she went for it.

She slowly approached the anywhere door with the translation tool in hand "i hope it's a real deal" and opened it.


Just as she opened the door, she was standing in front of RM (of BTS).

She was super excited, until she realised that he was


In his bathroom,

With wet hair...

Her face turned tomato red and she quickly covered her eyes and turned around.

Namjoon on the other hand was confused and embarrassed as hell.

He never expected a pink door to suddenly appear in his bathroom and a super cute and pretty Indian hotty appear from it.

Namjoon –"HOLY SH- WHAT!???"


Namjoon – "Uhh, who are you and how did you come here?!

Shreya – "You may not believe my story but listen... (She explains everything)"

Namjoon "....I don't believe you"

Shreya - "I have proof

Takes out translation tool, eats it and starts speaking Korean

A moment passed and then Namjoon smirked and said, "What if you already knew how to speak Korean?"

Shreya- "ok fine, I give up, I always wanted to meet you in person but just not under these circumstances, but it was nice meeting you, so bye"

Shreya was about leave through Anywhere Door

Namjoon – waiiiittttt! I was just messing ya!

But Shreya was already gone.

Namjoon frowned at her sudden disappearance and was headed towards his room when he slipped over something and landed on his butt.

He found out that the reason for his epic fall was a cracked, white iphone, which to his surprise was still functioning pretty well.

He quickly got dressed and decided to go through her phone. Just as he unlocked the phone he smiled as he saw his own face as the wallpaper of her phone.

He opened her gallery and a wide grin spread across his face as he scrolled through her pics.

Just as he was about to open her instagram account, a familiar voice shouted, "OH MY GOD, IS THAT MY PHONE???!!!"

To which a surprised Namjoon replies, "Uhh, yeah.... umm... it was lying on my bathroom floor.... I thought-"

"Yah!!! Just give it back." Shreya snapped at him, to which Namjoon replied smugly "Looking at your phone, I think you're really into BTS," he paused for a second, "and also looking at your pics, you're really...." Namjoon caught himself.

Shreya blushed.

"I think we should start hanging out, and you know what I'm really hungry right now so maybe we could order something to eat?!"

"Okay," Shreya responded, "that was really quick"

Whilehaving a wonderful meal,Namjoon got to know Shreya more and realised that she sounded pretty smart, intelligent and funny to him.

Namjoon said, "I'm suddenly craving for a desert," and hesitantly leaned in for a kiss. To his surprise, Shreya kissed back!.

And it was just the starting of a beautiful relationship.

---Few weeks Later----

Shreya was returning from a long day at work.

She realised that she was being followed by someone or rather something that looked blue and round –


She immediately turned around and caught him, "Doremon! Hi! Long time no see! Why are you following me?!"

Doremon nervously answered, "Well actually I was sent here to look after you.... but seems like I got caught..."

Shreya asked, "who sent you?!"

Doremon – "Shreymon"



The story was put together by- 



And Team BlackStarLunacy~

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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