The Kissing Booth

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(Image: Is by me,

A/N: I saw a movie clip on Instagram and it inspired me to write this one-shot

“Please, Nath I need one more Guy or my Booth will be ruined!” Rose pleaded, putting her hands together and looking at Nath with rounded baby blue eyes.

Nath sighed and looked down at his sketchbook avoiding her gaze “Rose, I'm sorry but...I can't...” his face slowly turned red.

Rose pouted and her eyebrows drew together in a frown. Before she could say anything else their conversation was interrupted.


They both looked up and saw Lila Rossi coming towards them. Nathanael's face flushed red.

“I was wondering if you had my science book? I think I lent it to you but I can't remember” Lila smiled down at the boy.

“R-right, I've got here” he reached into his satchel and rummaged around until he finally found the physics textbook. He handed it over to Lila with shaking hands and a large blush on his face.

Lila reached and gently took the book from the red-handed boy, her fingers brushing over Nathanael's hand, his face became hotter as his blush darkened and took over his whole face. She held the book to her chest and lingered for a moment as they stared at each other with shy smiles.

Rose feeling a little awkward watching this display gave a little cough making Lila jump a little and look at Rose like this was the first time she noticed the girl. A blush enveloped the Italians face.

“Uh, Bye Nath and Rose,” she said, quickly turning and hurrying out of the classroom.

Nathanael let out a dreamy sigh as Lila exited the classroom, his blue eyes dazed.

Rose smiled knowing exactly what was going on. She sat down and placed her head in the palms of her hands. “Sooo~ you wanna tell me about your little crush?”

Nathanael jumped a little and his face paled as he looked at Rose with Wide eyes “ and Lila...I...We...I don't have a crush” he stumbled over words as he tried to make a sentence.

Rose giggled and raised an eyebrow “You're not even fooling yourself, Nath”

Nathanael sighed and looked at the comic panel he had been sketching out in his sketchbook “Fine, maybe I have a little crush” he admitted looking back up.

A little?” Rose teased.

Nathanael pouted and looked away “Okay then it's a big crush” he sighed “I don't know how to act around her, my mind just goes blank and...and I can't help but be more than a klutz than normal and stutter all the time, it's seriously embarrassing, she must think I'm a weirdo by now”

“No way, Nath I'm sure Lila see's you for the sweet kind boy you are,” Rose said.

Nathanael looked at her with narrowed eyes and a raised eyebrow. “Don't lie, Rose”

“I'm not lying, it's only yourself who can't see how great you are,” Rose said with a gentle smile.

Nathanael sighed “That's because there's nothing great about me...Lila would want to be with a hot, popular boy like Adrien or Kim...not a loser like me” he closed his sketchbook and started to pack up.

Rose looked at her friend in concern and bit her lip “That's it I'm gonna-”

“No matchmaking!” Nathanael exclaimed.

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