Journal Entries

70 19 40

August 25, 1998

Dear Journal,

I met a boy today. He sits next to me in Literature. He's quite cute.


September 8, 1998

Dear Journal,

The boy from Literature class now has a name. It's Nathan. I think it suits him.


September 21, 1998

Dear Journal,

Nathan came over to work on a book report we got assigned. He accidentally stumbled upon my room. Said he's impressed by my book collection.


October 9, 1998

Dear Journal,

We got an A+ on our report. Nathan suggested we get celebratory milkshakes at the diner. It was fun. I hope he had a good time, too.


October 18, 1998

Dear Journal, 

 I took baby Angela to the park today. We ran into Nathan. He stayed to help me take care of her. He's really good with kids. I think Angela likes him more than me now.


October 31, 1998

Dear Journal,

Nathan just left. He'd come by to return a book I'd lent him. I invited him to stay, and we ended up watching cheesy horror movies all night. They were so bad. I may have lost a few brain cells.


November 10, 1998

Dear Journal,

Things have been weird since Halloween. I can't stop thinking about him. It's annoying.


November 15, 1998

Dear Journal,

We passed a few notes in class today. I think he was... flirting? No, I'm probably thinking too much into it. Anyway, we got caught. We have to stay in detention tomorrow.


November 16, 1998

Dear Journal,

Detention wasn't so bad. Nathan talked the coach into letting us leave a couple hours early. We went to an arcade. Turns out I'm a pro.


November 26, 1998

Dear Journal,

Today was Thanksgiving. Nathan dropped by for a few minutes when I wasn't home. He gave my mom a letter that he wrote for me. I'm gluing it in here for safe keeping.


December 31, 1998

Dear Journal, 

We almost kissed today. But we got interrupted. I don't know if I'm grateful or upset. What's wrong with me?


January 17, 1999

Dear Journal, 

We haven't talked since New Year's Eve. Which sucks, because I realized I like him. A lot.


February 20, 1999

Dear Journal,

I finally cornered him. Turns out he likes me, too. He was just too scared of ruining things between us. So, I kissed him. 


June 26, 1999

Dear Journal,

It's been 4 months. 


 August 14, 1999

Dear Journal, 

I'm in BIG trouble. I think I might be in love.


August 28, 1999

Dear Journal,

I almost told him today. But I got scared. What if he doesn't feel the same way?


September 6, 1999

Dear Journal,

He loves me, too.


February 20, 2006

Dear Olivia's Journal,

She'll kill me when she sees this. But today's our 7 year anniversary. I plan on asking her to marry me soon.


May 10, 2006

Dear Journal,

I said yes.


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