Chapter 2

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I'm so excited to post this!! Ahhhh here we go

The first thing Anti did was let out a long groan. His entire body was glitching terribly and his head was pounding. He brought his hands up to his head and let out another groan because the pain was so unbearable. He couldn't even open his eyes for any longer than a few seconds because the bright light just made the ache so much worse.

"What's happening?" Dark questioned with a fear-filled tone but Anti couldn't hear him. A loud ring was echoing through his head and in attempt to make it go away, he hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. Dark's hand had long since disappeared from his grip as he backed away from Anti's figure. All of the other egos had walked back a little too, just in case Anti were to flip out and blindly attack someone.

"Anti..." A soft voice muttered. It was kept at a low volume, as if the person speaking was aware of Anti's headache. Anti couldn't think about who it could be and he couldn't see them either so he refused to listen, hitting his forehead over and over again until it went bright red.

Two hands grabbed his wrists and held him down so he didn't cause himself any more pain. At that point, tears were streaming down his face as he just yelled and yelled.

"Anti, we need you to calm down, okay? Stop yelling and breathe." Anti's form glitched which just caused him more pain. Eventually, it became too much and he fell back onto the bed and his eyes closed.


He opened his eyes to see a bright light. Immediately, he used one of his hands to cover the light as he let out a small sigh to represent his discomfort. He slowly sat up, surprised when he felt no pain other than the light. His whole body felt like a cloud as there was no weight holding him down. He finally took a moment to observe his surroundings. Dark was watching him with worried eyes whilst Chase and JJ were asleep, practically on top of each other. Chase's hat was covering his face, muffling the light snores that were escaping his mouth.

When Dark noticed Anti's eyes were open, he stood up. "I need to go get Henrik. Stay calm, okay? You're okay." He gently placed a kiss on Anti's forehead before rushing out of the room. Anti almost laughed because Dark had never been 'gentle' a day in his life, not that Anti minded. Dark returned a minute or so later, Henrik in tow.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, keeping his voice at a low volume.

"Weird. I feel really light? I don't know how to explain it..." Anti was surprised when his voice cracked and came out a raspy mess.

"Okay. Any pain?" Anti shook his head which made Henrik's eyes widen as he nodded to himself.

Anti felt a hand intertwine with his own and looked down to see Dark's hand. Dark was smiling gently at him, as if to encourage him to talk.

"You died for a moment. We had literally announced your time of death but somehow you came back alive. That is completely unheard of. Did you see anything whilst you were 'dead'?"

Anti bit his lip as he thought about what had happened. All he could remember was blackness.

"Stop that." Dark murmured. Anti sent him a confused look which consisted of furrowed eyebrows and a tilt of his head. "Biting your lip. You're going to make it bleed."

"I'm sorry."

"What do you remember?" Anti closed his eyes and went back to the day where everything had gone wrong.

He had woken up like normal, pulling on his usual black attire. He had noticed the egos weren't around but that was nothing new, considering they were busy people with a lot of responsibilities. Anti had skipped breakfast because he felt slightly nauseous in the mornings but, again, that was nothing new.

He made himself some coffee- or was it tea? No... coffee because the coffee machine had almost broken on him. He drank it at a temperature that would burn any human's throat but he wasn't human. He then headed out because he was craving violence.

It had been a while since he had blood on his hands because he hadn't been feeling his greatest for a while. He was constantly tired and moving around involved more energy than he could muster. His hands had traced the knife in his pocket and he remembered smiling because it felt good to be reunited with his trusty weapon again.

He had made his way deep into the forest. He remembered the ground being all muddy and disgusting but he didn't care. His boots kept sinking into it but that just made the adventure all the more exciting. It wasn't his fault that some people decided to go for a walk in the middle of a forest where no one would see them die. He had hid behind a large tree, examining his victims' every move. One person lingered at the back of the group so he took his chance.

He covered up their mouth and dragged them behind the tree where he could finally get what he had needed for so long. He took out his knife and ran lines along their arms and then slit the person's neck open. The look of fear in their eyes was like a drug to the demon. He needed it so bad and, upon getting it, he felt so much lighter and happier.

But what had happened after that? Did they die? Did someone find them? Did Anti murder the others? Did he go straight home? Did he call Dark and brag about his latest attack? He didn't know.

The sharp pain was back. He screamed as he covered his ears and scrunched his eyes shut. "Make it stop! Make it stop! Please! Dark, help me! Make it go away!" His words were merging together but he didn't care as the pain flooded his body and was unbearable. One hand moved from his ears to his arms as he rubbed at his scars. He couldn't tell if they had started bleeding again but he didn't care. He wanted to see blood on his hands again. He needed to see blood on his hands.

A hand grabbed at his wrist, pulling it back from his arm to stop him from reopening the cuts. "Anti, we need you to calm down. Breathe with me, okay?"

"I can't! I can't! Stop it. Stop it, please. It hurts. I need-" Anti's voice was glitching so much that the words were almost inaudible. Dark was beginning to panic at his side too, hating seeing his boyfriend so distressed.

"Henrik, do something!" Dark yelled, his voice far astray from its usual monotone.

"Dark, please stay calm. You're only going to panic Anti further."

"Make it stop! Can't take it anymore! Hurts too much- so much. Need to escape. Get out. Stop! Make it stop! Need to get out!" His words weren't even making much sense so Henrik decided Anti called for desperate measures. He reached for a needle and injected Anti with a sedative. "Want to sleep..." Anti mumbled, his eyes flickering a bright green before they shut. Anti fell back onto the bed, his breathing slowly becoming more regular.

"Can you help him?" Dark whispered. At that point, Chase and JJ were awake. Dark and Henrik hadn't paid them much attention so they were both unaware of how much the pair had seen. Chase looked fairly traumatised so that suggested they had seen quite a lot.

"I don't know, Dark. I can see what I can do but something is wrong. I have never seen someone come back to life before. He shouldn't be alive."

"But he is which is... good, right?"

"I don't know. There seems to be a big strain on his mind and it is obviously causing him a lot of pain..."

"He'll be okay though, right?" Henrik didn't answer, just looking down at the floor. "Right? Henrik, answer me..." Dark's hands had clenched into fists at his sides and the edges of his body were becoming darker, as if he was about to fade.

"I don't know, Dark... but I'm doing as much as I can."

"Well, do more! Anti is suffering and I can't lose him! If he dies, it will be all your fault." Dark then disappeared. Henrik knew what that meant: the demon was going to kill someone to vent his frustration.

Henrik glanced at Anti's sleeping body. He appeared so peaceful as his chest rose and fell but, as soon as he woke up, he was the furthest away from peaceful that one person could ever possibly be.

What do you think of this book so far?

Despite me writing this in like two days, I love this book! I love Anti and his storyline so I hope you do too :)

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