9 - town wack job

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rachel and scott followed behind derek into his new place where he was hiding out with erica, boyd and isaac

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rachel and scott followed behind derek into his new place where he was hiding out with erica, boyd and isaac.

"i'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is gonna be too hurt to heal." derek said.

"no kidding, stiles is going nuts over this he barely let me come here." rachel said.

"ugh, i get it. we can't save jackson." scott said.

we can't seem to kill him either. i've seen a lot of things, guys. i've never seen anything like this. every new moons just gonna make him stronger." derek said.

"but how do we stop him?" scott asked.

"i don't know. i don't even know if we can." derek said.

"there has to be a way." rachel said.

"maybe we should just let the argents handle it." scott said.

"i'm the one who turned him. it's my fault." derek said.

"yeah, but you didn't turn him into this. i mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?" scott said.

"exactly." rachel said nodding her head.

"that's a legend in a book. it's not that simple." derek told them.

"what do you mean?" rachel asked.

"what are you not telling us?" scott asked.

"why do you think i'm always keeping something from you guys?" derek asked them as rachel scoffed.

"are you serious right now?" rachel asked him.

"because you always are keeping something from us." scott replied.

"well, maybe i do it to protect you two." derek told them.

"doesn't being a part of your pack mean no more secrets?" scott said.

"go home, scott, rachel. sleep. heal. make sure your friends are safe. cause the full moons coming and with the way things are going, i've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one." derek admitted.


the next day lydia dragged rachel over to allisons house because they were going to plan out her outfits for her birthday party.

"clear your schedule. this could take a while." lydia told allison holding up two shopping bags full.

allison looked up at her two friends and got up from her desk since she was doing homework.

"how many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" allison asked her.

"it's my birthday party. i'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, mm, after hours casual." lydia said holding up her dress options.

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