Harmione- Don't Leave Me

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Three years after the war- Hermione is suffering some sort of Unknown wizard disease and St. Mungos don't know what to do.

The beeps were slowly down.

Harry clutched at the hand of his wife, her face pale, her body limp. The nurses and doctors sprinted in to examine her.

They glanced at the boy-who-lived with pitying expressions.

She would not live.

Harry stayed quiet and focused on Hermione long curly locks. How he wished for those doe chocolate eyes to open at least one more time so he could tell her how much he loved her.

The grip on his hand tightned. To his shock his wife had opened her eyes.

"Hermione!" he cried, sobbing.

"Shh... Harry, know that I love you," Hermione croaked.

Harry nodded, "Don't leave me!"

"I won't ever leave Harry, I'll always be in your heart," smiled Hermione.

Harry shook with silent sobs and emotions so strong he didn't even notice the beeping stopped or the fact that the ghostly white hand on his wrist loosened.

"I'm sorry Hermione," Harry whimpered. Without such a single glance at the doctors or nurses he called "I'm coming Hermione," and no one has heard from him since...

The end

BY NineTailsWolf

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