Chapter 14

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We watched the two black figures creep towards my house and as one of them deactivated my security system, that wasn't even going off. "Pretty useless security," Tyler said as he reached up into my weapons and took down a hand gun. “Funny, Ty, Now can we focus on the situation in hand,” I asked as I strapped on my Kevlar. I slowly crept out of my room with Tyler tailing me and typed in the code effortlessly. The door to my TAG wardrobe slid shut silently. I could hear them downstairs; slipping through the house in what they thought was silence. I couldn’t believe these guys were professionals. "I'm going into my dad’s study; you stay here and hide behind the door." He looked outraged as I said it, but I silently opened my door and tiptoed into the room next door, giving him no time to argue. I hid behind the bookcase beside the door, out of the way. I knew they were looking for me. It was pretty obvious, as I could hear them mumbling my name as they trudged up the stairs. “It’s her, I know it,” I heard one voice say. “She seemed nice though.” the other slightly lower voice said and then the footsteps faded, a gun cocked and the footsteps got nearer to the study. The door opened and I pulled out my knife. The first figure walked forwards into the room and looked around. In the moonlit room, he was just a shadow. “Not in here,” he said and then turned to walk out. As he did I slipped behind him and used my left foot to close the door. With everything I had and stabbed my knife into his back. The warm blood began to ooze over my hand and I pulled my blade out as he slumped to the floor by my feet. “Messy, Darcey. Pull yourself together,” I told myself as I stepped away. I looked at the shocked expression on the dead man’s face. He looked familiar, a face I'd seen before at the meeting, though I didn't recognise him from my hit-list. I grabbed his arms and dragged him into the corner of the study, near the desk. I bent down to look at his face and used my thumb and index finger to close his eyes. I breathed deeply and stood up. I always felt giddy after a kill, whether it was nerves, adrenaline or shock that did that to me. The door handle turned and the light from the landing flooded in. The only thing I could see was the outline of a person. “You!” the voice said. I stood up and walked forward. “I knew it was you” he bellowed and I laughed. I heard some faint footsteps behind him. “Well done, Mr Pritchard. You do realise this is my house, right?” I said patronizingly. Before I could react he charged at me and my head slammed against the wall as he pinned me by the throat. “Don’t try to be smart with me,” He hissed. I gasped as he clutched my throat, closing my airways. “I’ve been on to you from the start. Did you really think unknown cameras wouldn’t be brought to my attention?” There were black spots in front of my eyes now and I fumbled at my thigh for my knife, but my limbs were uncooperative. An evil smile spread across Martin’s face as I began to lose conciseness. Then an arm closed round his neck and the blade slit his throat. Tyler’s hand shook with anger as he did it and his eyes gleamed. He let the weight of the body drop onto his torso and gasped as he saw the person 'Dad!' he screamed and quickly lowered Martin to the ground. Martin looked up at Tyler, betrayed. He stared accusingly for a moment and then he breathed a last ragged breath. ‘!' Tyler screamed and he looked up at me pleadingly. He dropped the blade and tried to stop the bleeding, all in vain. He ripped his jumper and put it over his father’s neck. I stood back and watched it all unfold. Tyler bundled the jumper up more as the blood seeped through and I took mine off and threw myself to the ground next to him. I replaced Tyler’s now bloody jumper with my clean one and sat back, still gasping for air. Martin’s body lay covered in blood and Tyler sat rocking back and forth mumbling words I didn't understand. 'Ty' I said and he didn't move. I lifted him up under his arms and guided him back to my room. “Someone had to do it I suppose” he said through tears. He dropped back onto the bed and curled up into a ball. I followed him but instead turned to face him. I wrapped my arms around him as he shook, and kissed his forehead as he cried.

At around one in the morning, when Tyler was in a deep sleep, I gently disentangled myself from him. I covered him with a blanket then got out my cleaning supplies. First I got rid of the unknown body. I called the TAG removal squad and watched as the loaded the body bag into a van. I left Martin, but spent the best part of an hour scrubbing the blood out of the study’s hardwood floors. The smell of disinfectant made me light headed. After the blood was gone from the study, I showered and changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a long sleeved top. Then I sat cross legged at the end of my bed sipping coffee and waiting for Tyler to wake.

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