Chapter 12

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My phone vibrated on the table top next to me. I pressed the decline button and sighed as I turned back to my maths homework. There was only so much algebra you could do in one night but apparently I had to complete another 3 pages of my textbook before I could even think about the other piles of homework stacked up in my room, ready to be completed. It was 5 o'clock in the afternoon. My parents again were out. They came back for 3 days then were called away on a conference in London for some publicity chance for mother’s fund. Tonight, I had a night off. After being out every night for the past week planning out everything with Tyler or going out with Katherine and Ciara, the school work sort of conglomerated. My phone buzzed again, and I reached over. A picture of Tyler flashed up on my iPhone screen and I quickly accepted it. “Seriously Darcey, pick up your bloody...” “Hello, Tyler” I spoke, obviously cutting him off from his rambling. “Oh…” silence. “Hello. Ok good news. I hope you’re not busy. Be at mine in 20 minutes and bring some more cameras and microphones.” “Unless you're going to help me (insert really complicated algebra question here) then Tyler, this really isn’t a good time...” “Darcey, get over here. ” And with that he hung up. “Ok, love you too” I muttered under my breath and closed my maths book. I retired to my bedroom, threw on a pair of jeans, ballerina flats and a loose floral top. I grabbed a small bag and put in another case of cameras and 6 audio enhanced microphones, and ruefully picked up my maths book.

Fifteen minutes later, Tyler opened the door for me, took my hand and practically dragged me upstairs into his room. He pushed the door closed behind us and I quite breathlessly said “What?!” “They’re having a meeting. All the organization. An emergency meeting. Every member will be over here in ten minutes. We need to set up the cameras and microphones in the study.” He rushed through his sentences, taking my bag and pulling everything out. “Ok, let’s go,” I quickly replied and we scurried down the hall. We placed the cameras and microphones everywhere in Mr Pritchard’s study. Under the settee, on the desk leg. After we’d attached everything discreetly, we hurried back to Tyler’s room. He unlocked a door that I thought led to a cupboard but instead, opened into a  small room, only about three metres squared. Tyler’s TAG centre. The weapons  on his shelves weren’t as impressive as mine, but his computer system was amazing.  He turned it on and typed in an unnecessary amount of code, his fingers gliding swiftly across the touch pad keyboard. Suddenly, the cameras sprang to life and four of the five monitors showed images of the empty study. Then I saw the people from the organization filter into the room and sit down, from all the different angles. I mentally captured all their faces and recognised a few from my hit list. On the fifth and middle  computer screen, he proceeded to repeat the process and all the audio data came up. “Wow” was all I could say. He stood up from his seat and I sat down. By now, I could see all the members were sat down on the chairs and settees, waiting for someone. I could see Mr Pritchard on the settee next to a woman who I recognised was Jillian May, one of the three leaders of the organisation. “I have to go” Tyler half whispered, close to my ear. He was leant over my shoulder watching the cameras too, and adjusting one of the monitors. I shivered as he walked away. It was weird to have him that close. He shut the door silently behind him and I watched as he entered the study and sat on one of the chairs opposite the camera in the bookshelf. He looked right into it and winked. I smiled weakly and he smiled to himself. Mr Pritchard started talking. I put on my headphones, brought up all the microphones and turned them up. “Well, it has come to my attention that our organisation is  ... Under threat. Members have been assassinated and I simply do not think that this is by coincidence. The killings have been done in secret by an unknown association that I simply cannot place my finger on.” He carried on. I saw Tyler gulp and shift in his chair. “For now, our organisation is to … disappear. We are to keep a low profile and not get involved in anything that could compromise our position. Also, we have some bad news.” He stopped and looked at Jillian. The entire organisation sighed. “Unfortunately, Jillian is stepping down from her role in this organisation.” Mr Pritchard said and everyone went quiet. Mr Pritchard stepped behind the small dark haired woman and In one swift movement Jillian’s chest sprouted a bloodied dagger and her head fell forward. As a tough looking man carried Jillian’s body away Mr Pritchard said, “Tyler, I need you to set up a lock on our current system so that no one can access it for at least 2 weeks. Now,” Mr Pritchard bellowed as he approached his desk and sat down in the gold studded chair that stood behind it. “Yes, father” Tyler said politely. He went and shook hands with Mr Pritchard and walked out. I watched him walk straight down the hall to his bedroom on monitor 3 and heard him close the door quietly. “Whoa….” He said and walked over to his seat. He placed his hands on my shoulders as he watched the monitors  and I immediately stood up. “You can take over from here” I said shyly and retreated to his bed. I picked up my maths book from the floor where he’d emptied my bag and picked up a pen from his bedside table. He typed something into his computer and then looked over at me. “Homework? An assassin that keeps up with her homework. That’s… different” “Actually, I haven’t been keeping up with it” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear it. I put the pen in my mouth and flicked through my book for inspiration. He walked over and came and sat on the bed with me and took my book from me. “Let’s have a look….” He said and then scribbled down something on my book with another pen then handed it back to me. My eyes flickered over to the monitor as he wrote and I saw something move. “S**t” I said as I saw a figure move up the stairs, passing the camera I’d placed in the hall four days ago and heading towards us. “What do we do?” I hissed as my pen fell out of my mouth and Tyler pressed a button on a small remote to seal the TAG room door. Before I could even blink I heard the door open and Tyler’s lips crashed down onto mine. I instinctively pulled away but he just pushed back harder. I heard a muffled “Oh, sorry” for the doorway. Glancing sideways, I saw that it was Mrs Pritchard! Blushing in embarrassment I picked up my pen and shoved it towards his ribs but he moved backwards as the door closed. The smile plastered on his face told me he enjoyed that a little bit too much. I raised my hand up to my lips in shock as his eyes locked on mine, then raised my hand up and slapped him right across the cheek. “What the ….?!” He stared at me incredulously. “Oh, come on Tyler. Like kissing me was the only option,” I scoffed, straightening my shirt. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it,” He said leaning against the headboard with a cocky smile on his face. I threw a pillow at him and he laughed. I laid back on the bed and sighed. “That was too close Tyler, way to close.”

By Process of EliminationWhere stories live. Discover now