Getting Closer

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"Oh my God it's so hot out here." I complain to Justin as we sit in the scorching sun, watching Maddy's game "I love her but I don't know how much longer I can do this."

"We both told you to stay home in the air conditioning.  You really shouldn't be out here." He hands me a water bottle "Here, drink more of this."

"I'm fine." I feel the need to convince him as I drink it "Just uncomfortable, that's all.  I forgot how bad the last week is."

I lean back a little, trying to get as comfortable as I can, even though I know that's almost impossible at this point.  It feels like someone is lighting my whole body on fire.

"At least we don't have the monsters with us.  That would make it worse.  You get a little bit of a break being here without them."

"I just can't believe he'll be here in a week already... or that he has to make it more difficult on me than the other two did." I sigh, thinking about how the baby refuses to move out of his breach position, which means I need to have a c-section, and a longer recovery "He can't just flip himself around."

"It'll work out fine, Jen.  I'm here to help you through everything."

I know he's right, and that he'll be there throughout everything like he always has been, but it's still a change for me.

It's not what I'm used to.

Justin pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arm around me so that it rests on my enlarged belly, allowing him to feel the constant kicks and movement.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks, noticing that I'm in pain "Do we need to leave?"

"I'm fine, I just keep getting weird twinges in my back.  I think it's just too sore right now." I blow off the pain, looking back up just in time to see Maddy score a goal "Look how happy she is.  I love that."

"I do too." Justin agrees, looking out at her proudly "I hope she always plays.  I don't ever see her this happy unless she's playing."

We watch the rest of the game mostly in silence.  Whenever something exciting happens, we cheer, both happy for the team.

"You were great, honey." I walk up to Maddy once the game is done "I loved that last goal!"

"Thanks, mom." She smiles, hugging me "I'm just happy we won.  I was getting a little worried."

"Well, you tried your best and it showed off." Justin adds, walking over "And now we get to go celebrate."

"Where are we going?  Somewhere good?" Maddy asks as we get in the car "I don't want kiddie food."

"Don't worry, we are NOT getting kiddie food." I turn to Justin who is driving "You better take us somewhere nice."

"But I really wanted the chicken nugget meal!" He complains, trying his best to act upset "They even give you mac and cheese now too! You can't argue with that."

"Yeah I can.  The baby wants Italian food, and you can't argue with that."

"You're right."

Justin quickly turns towards the Italian restaurant that he knows Maddy and I love.

"Thanks, mom." Maddy smiles, getting out of the car.

"Hey I'm the one that drove you here." Justin looks back, pushing her slightly "I could have turned around and gone anywhere else."

"Yeah, because you refuse to let me drive anymore." I roll my eyes, opening the door "I'm more than capable of driving places."

"No you aren't.  Your raging hormones almost caused a huge accident the other day because you saw a bunny." Maddy says, causing me to remember everything "I don't think I have ever seen a grown ass woman cry that much over a bunny."

"Hey, it was very sad!" I get defensive, mad at them for laughing at me "That poor bunny could have gotten run over."

"Yeah, by you."

We get seated a few minutes later at a table in the back, hoping we don't get recognized.

"I love this.  No kids stealing my food and I can drink without people judging me because of the kids."

I glare over at Justin, missing my alcohol way too much right now.

"...or I don't need to drink.  That's okay too."

"That's what I thought."

Maddy laughs silently, hoping I don't notice her. 

"This is really fun, going out without them." She says after a while "I like actually having some quiet. And getting to spend time with just the two of you."

"We love getting to spend time with just you, too." Justin smiles over at her "Reminds me of when you were little and we took you everywhere."

"We didn't have a choice." I add, laughing "You just screamed nonstop for anyone we left you with.  You only wanted us."

"I was a smart kid."

We finish our food, and as we're walking out I get more pain in my back.  Nobody else notices when I flinch, so I just ignore it again.

"Hey, turn left." I finally tell Justin once we get to the exit for the hospital "I think we should go."

He quickly goes over so he can make the exit, then looks over at me terrified.

"What's going on?"

"I think I might be in labor."

I tell him about the pains, which are much more frequent, and we decide it's best to get there early.

"Do you want me to call grandma for you?" I ask Maddy once I get into a room "You don't need to stay."

"No, I kinda want to. As long as it's okay with you."

Justin and I look at each other, both agreeing that having the company would be nice.

"Well, Jennifer it looks like he's still in the breach position, but since he's a good size we feel comfortable doing the csection today instead of trying to stop the labor."

"And he'll be okay?  You're sure it's not too early." Justin asks "It's almost 2 weeks early."

"Based on all the anatomy scans, the baby is weighing at least 8 pounds right now.  That leaves him big enough to have good lung function, and other than him being breach, there have been no other complications."

"Okay.  Then if you think it's safe, lets do it."

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