Post #12

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It was Midnight at exactly 12:00 when Rael woke up by the noise, little did he know that they planed to surprise and greet him a happy birthday with a cake ,Richard, Rachel and Rane really didn't go to sleep so that they well not miss the time and to greet him on time...

While they are eating the cake Rachel decided to post a picture of his son while holding a cake on instagram but to her dismay her daughter already post the same picture with a caption..



Happiest Birthday to you my Dearest brother on earth even though your so makulit I still love you 😘#VinceRael #BirthdayBashInLondon

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Happiest Birthday to you my Dearest brother on earth even though your so makulit I still love you 😘
#VinceRael #BirthdayBashInLondon

She smiles when she read the caption and she decided to have a comment

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rachelpatriciagomez   happy birthday son i love you and @patriceranegomez  hey, I'll be the one to post that picture first right?! Im the Mom and I owned that picture it's on my phone..

patriceranegomez   Hihihi.... Sorry Mom but hey I'm the one who captured it 😂

vinceraelgomez   Hey its my picture I suppose to be the one who posted it Mom.. Ate?  But it ok and by the way thanks for the greetings 😍😘

richardvincentgomez  Happiest Birthday Son 😘 ok dahil birthday mo naman pag bibigyan kita.... Mas gwapo ka ngayon sakin 😂 ngayon lang ha..

vinceraelgomez 😕😕

After a while she decided to sleep

I'm losing hope na babalik sila 😭😭😭

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