Prolouge Part 2- Of a Nightmare

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~~~~??? P.O.V.- 1 year later~~~~
I sat against a tree trunk, a look of dejection on my face. I couldn't save them. Their own mind was creating them a nightmare, and I was powerless. Although I was trapped in their mind, I couldn't manipulate it as easily without my initial form and power. I felt my muscles stiffen as I heard them scream. Peeking out from behind the tree, I almost gasped.
Crystal was in the tight grasp of a wave of ink. The dark creature was swallowing the trees on the other side of the clearing. I watched on, unfazed as the inky substance consumed Crystal completely. It grew, a deep maroon pulsating from its core. I was almost entertained, as a nightmare like this was only child's play. Yet, hearing (Y/N)'s shaky sobs and caterwauls pulled me back to the reality that a twelve-year-old would be horrified by this scene.
As the endless, hungry ink monster moved closer to her, I didn't even take time to debate the consequences of my actions as I dashed out into the clearing.
~~~~~~~~~~~<Your POV>
You felt the shadows seeping through the clearing, like a pool of ink slowly closing in on you. You stumbled and fell backward onto the grass, horror-stricken and frozen in fear. As the tentacles slowly moved closer, you felt a stream of hot tears sting your face. Your voice constricted, stopping the scream in your throat.
Suddenly, you saw a flash of gold.
Just as the shadowy ink reached you, you were swooped into the air. Before you could even comprehend what had happened, you were safe back among the bright green trees. You felt a foreign figure hold you close in a tight embrace. You cried into the mysterious figure's shoulder, at this point too traumatized to care who it was. They wiped away your tears sympathetically before laying you on the lush grass.
All you saw was the flash of a top hat atop golden-blonde hair before you awoke.

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