Chapter Five

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War World was gone. Jaime had the key and they had won. In his triumph, Jaime decided to approach Bart about soulmates.

This was a bad idea.

Bart shut him down immediately. "Soulmates are the same in the future as they are here, you didn't find them as much, the Reach didn't think they were necessary, but everything was pretty much the same," Then he stormed off to the rendezvous point.

Jaime sighed. "What am I gonna do Khaji?" Tell Bart Allen we are soulmates. Quit, as you say, beating around the bush.

"Well now he's mad at me, there's no way he'll talk to me now!"

Then I suggest waiting a few days. I would also like the Bart Allen to be aware of our mating.

Jaime sighed. Of course, he should have been more aware of Khaji's feelings. "I'm sorry Khaji, I know this has been hard for you, you just discovered you had a soulmate in the first place and-"

It's fine, Jaime.

"No, carino, it's not, this has been tough for you and I've been a total drama queen about it while you sit in the backseat, I'm sorry."

Khaji Da let out a few cute chirps and buzzes to let Jaime know he approved.


When they arrived at the rendezvous point, Bart wouldn't face him and his fists were clenched. Suddenly Khaji Da began to fret, frantic beeps and chirps that were not cute and that made Jaime's heart drop to his shoes. JAIME REYES. SOMETHING IS WRONG. SOMEONE IS HACKING INTO MY MAINFRAME

Then, Jaime lost control.

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