Prologue Arc: Part 3: Unknown Sponsor

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(its not a weekend, but i did this during my freetime so have this for now.

be aware for mild swearing)


Agh, where the hell am I?

Last thing I remember was...


I was recently going to a school i've been accepted in, Goiky Academy.

It was everyone's 'dream school', but I don't seem to get it most of the time.

I didn't really know if it had special programs and such.

Not that I really care.

Anyways, I stop my tracks to look at the building itself. sure looks a like a school alright.


...I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?

Well then, ahem.

.  .  .

My name is Coiny, I call myself average, but i'm sometimes something.

The schools staff recently accepted me into the school as the Ultimate Affiliate, due to me and my family being well known for being partners with marketing companies.

But is that needed information? Maybe not, but who really knows.

Continuing on venturing fourth, I take some more steps onwards to the school.

But, once I stepped after the gate, I felt, a little dizzy.

It made me nauseous, wanting to rush away from the possible danger.

But my body was giving up on strength.

I thought that if I could get inside, I would okay... I fall down weakly, I drag myself to the front doors with one hand.

I was so close, yet so far.

I reach out to the handle.

I can make it...

I can...



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