Arc 1: Part 7: Investigating the Crime

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"Huhuhu..." Four giggles.

"It's about time! Someone is deeeead!" They continue.

X tears up a bit.

"So, big question for you all..." They start again.

"Yes?" We all say.

"You know those teams I made you all assembled up?" Four asks.

We nod.

"Well...this is what it's used for!"


"Investigation Teams! It lets you know who you'll investigate with...7 other people!" They pose again.

"So that's what it was for?!" Bell screams.

"Yuuuuppers!" Four claps.

"I cannot believe--"

"Get assembling, students!" Our 'headmaster' yells.

Casually sighing, I walked over to Loser, who was already going up to our teammates.

After 6 minutes of assembling together, Four tells us to go back to crime scene to investigate it all over the school.

We all go out of the gym, heading to the dormitory hallway, then to the trash room.

While walking, I looked at Donut's info on the Valuepad.





I put my Valuepad down as Eggy looks at the jelly.

"Blergh...this looks old..." She cringes.

"How old?" Clock questions.

"Almost a day old..." Eggy states.

"A day old, huh?" Loser says.

"Almost!" Needle responds.

I think for a moment.

And then came a thought to me, yesterday, 9:10 PM.


"Donut, why the fuck are you screaming at everyone to go to their dorms despite the fact it isn't even close to 10 PM?"

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