Death Date

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I yell through my headset, waiting a few moments before smacking Chris' shoulder and rushing in for a burn out tactic.

We push pass our cover and cross the field, guns up looking for targets. A guy pops up from behind a barrier and Chris hits him first, shooting him in the chest. Two more try to slip up from our right but I tag them both and hit them in the abdomin, they drop instantly. We finish our assault taking out their whole team in the process.

"Coast clear captain." Wolf and Demon report. "Great ops guys, lets do it again sometime." I say, turning to the guy on the ground as I help him up. Paint covering every other player on the field around us as they all stand and start chatting.

"How are you guys so good at this?" One pack member says.

"Seriously, thats the 23rd time." Says another. This continues for a few moments before we turn in for the night at the pack house.

As i lay in bed waiting for sleep to arrive a rustling catches my attention. It sounded like cloth on cloth. I jump from bed grabbing the 9mm i leave on my night stand. Aiming in the ready i prepare for what ever i may encounter.

A low whistle fills the air as i prepare for combat. Before i could even think of what happened the tip of a short sword is protruding through my chest and my blood is spilled on the floor. Now i know what you must be thinking.

"You're a werewolf. This isn't the end for you." Well you're wrong i'm a human I've been in this pack since i can remember. Thats why i can keep up. But this sword in my chest is the thing that kills me. My 9mm falls to the floor with a thud soon followed by my body the sword sliding out with a sickening sound.

Maybe I'll be better in my next life, maybe I'll be able to protect those who need it, and maybe I'll find my true love. This was the last thing to go through my mind before darkness consumed my senses then my nerves. I hope the pack will stay safe.

"You won't die tonight my child. Not if i can help it." A feminine voice says as i fall into a peaceful dark pit.

I awake in a bed, not my own. I look around seeing my pistol on the table. I reach over and grab it. It feels so much lighter now. I get out of bed before noticing i'm shirtless with a bandage around my torso and chest.

"The culprit stabed you much more than just once my son." I lift the weapon in my hand and scan the room finding no one. "That's because i'm in your thoughts, i'm in your head."

"Who are you?" I ask lowering my weapon. "My name is Michael but you are free to call me mike, it's better to not draw suspicion."

"Show your self."

"Very well." He says before manifesting in front of me. When he said Michael i thought of a human. No, he was no human. He had large black wings with silver tipped feathers. His hair was long and black. He had silver eyes and a sculpted face. His torso was also wrapped up the same way mine was.

"What are you?"

"You should know what I am brother.  After all you we're the one that agreed to come back down to this world."

"Look dude I don't know what your talking about but I'm going to have to ask you to leave me alone."

"Very well but this action draws your title and powers with me. Goodbye." With that the creature faded into black. I sat on my bed thinking about what it was he said. Maybe I could've had powers and been better equipped to protect this pack. Or maybe it was some sort of trick. Well whatever it was is over with now. I stood up and went to the massive bathroom to clean up, not knowing if I was going to be meeting anyone or anything like that, removing the bandages and expecting to see a gash or scar or something.

There was nothing there! Did I really get stabbed or was that a lie too!?!

"You were indeed stabbed dude I was half there when it happened!" Oh god,  not another voice! Well instead of doing the whole mind thing.....

"Yes, I will show myself." He said as he manifested behind me. I could only see him in the mirror as I took my hunting knife and began to shave (I always have a hunting knife in my moccasins). "Well go ahead and try to tell me I'm your brother too I suppose, just make it believable."

"If that's the case then here." He said as a white flame lit and with it rising from the light of is was... my birth certificate? Signed and authentic. "There you go!"

"Um, explain please I'm not understanding this."

"Well I shouldn't even know your name Dakota... But I do. And the thing about it is the day you were born is the day I was born. I'm not just your brother I'm you twin!" I wiped off my now shaven face and turned. "Then prove it." I said with a flat look on my face.

He smiled then started listing off things no one else knew about me... Ever! When he finished talking he smirked at me. "Do you believe me now?" I nodded.

"Then allow me to fuse with you and share your body then you will have your true powers!"

"Whatever, just before you do.... Where the hell am I!!!!" He started laughing then said, "home brother, home." Then he turned into a black smoke and flew into my body, my skin acting like some sort of sponge. My vision became blurry and my body lighter then ever, my shoulder blades began to gain something fierce as a sharp, burning ache worked into them and they began to push against my skin forcing it open causing me to scream in unexpected agony, I fell to the floor my nails growing into vicious claws, long and razor sharp. My teeth began to produce a sharp stabbing pain as my canine teeth elongated and sharpened into a point.

After the pain subsided, I stood gazing into the mirror not prepared for what I was to see. I mean I let my guard down for like five fucking minutes and this is what Happens?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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